How do I give my cat or dog CBD oil? Gums, ears, food and treats.

We love the effect that CBD has on our pets, but sometimes getting it into their mouths and onto their gums is akin to wrestling an alligator. Before you can figure …


  1. Most CBD oils are barely absorbable and are usually only 7 to 11 percent absorbed, so you pee out the rest and same with your animals. The oil I have is 100% absorbed and effective immediately.

  2. I'm glad 6ou made a video. I just got CBD oil for my cat and just gave her some and she didn't like the taste so I thought of food and just learned its not as effective and should try the ear

  3. Hey I know you are a small Channel but I appreciate the quick and concise video about how to apply CBD for your pets!

    I personally don't have pets myself but I was curious about this topic. I also enjoyed the cameo from the two friends

  4. i just got my first bottle of Full Spectrum Hemp Extract for dogs! I am going to use the inner ear option because my chihuahua hates when i put medicine in his mouth, but loves to have his ears rubbed πŸ™‚ I am hopeful this will be a way to ease his irritation and anxiety regarding his collapsing trachea.

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