Is Marijuana Legalization Inevitable In The US?

Every ballot initiative involving the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana passed in the 2020 election. The Democratic-controlled House also passed the …


  1. My weed now cost 350 a oz from California but it's very, very good. I smoke in a bong not a joint, I am 70's guy it use to cost $10 a lid, we use to call a lid for 1 Oz

  2. The left get mad if you gotta register to smoke weed in fear of government tyranny but not when you have to register a gun, which can actually fight against government tyranny instead of keeping the masses complacent (ie., weed) . Not hating on weed, just seems like a stupid double standard

  3. States that lean Democratic are more likely to approve medical marijuana laws. Republicans, usually anti-govt, actually agree with the government's stance on cannabis. There are a few states where legalization prospects look dim unless ballot initiatives & referendums – TRUE DEMOCRACY – are allowed in AL,GA,IN,IA,KY,KS,LA,NC,SC,TN,TX,VA,WV,WI. As long as it's schedule 1, fuhgeddaboutit

  4. The fact is, people are going to use marijuana anyways whether it’s legal or not. Give the people what they want. Not to mention all of the medical benefits and patients that need marijuana to be healthy

  5. Either Reagon wasn't a believer or a hypocrite !! I hate him ! Oh he did lie to us a few times !! The war on drugs was a complete failure !!! Turning angels into jailbirds !! F. U. Reagon !!

  6. I'm from Canada the black market will thrive like it is here because these brick and mortar stores will charge way to much but if you're out the stores are great 30% thc yum yum

  7. If Canada legalized it completely we need to do the same thing I thought by now the US would have legalized it the problem is is that to make marijuana illegal just waste a bunch of time money and people going to prison basically over a medication I've always been a firm believer in legalization and I seriously thought by now in 2021 that marijuana would have already been completely legalized in all 50 states I still can't believe his taking this long to get marijuana off the narcotics scheduled 1 drug but we can all think Richard Nixon for that and the DEA and all the other corrupt drug enforcement agencies that just wanted to try to make a quick Buck or two in their agencies when they could definitely be making more money if they just legalized it the drugs they need to be getting rid of his the methamphetamines the heroin the cocaine and the crack cocaine

  8. Marijuana was made illegal because of a evil man named Harry Anslinger. It came about because he hated black people and black people smoked weed. This man done this and was praised for his service by presidents all the way past JFK.
    He was quite possibly the most evil man in the United States history. To me hearing the things he did were a horror story.

  9. personally i support the leagalization of marijuana and i encourage more people to use it. its been used for thousands of years and its a great relese from reality. i dont see why the government keeps people from putting substances in their own body. i dont support the government

  10. This is the scam. The Biden administration will lower marijuana to a stage 2 drug. Leaving the FDA in charge. The only way to get it will be by prescription and only filled at a pharmacy.

  11. I agree with the guy on Marlboro taking over leave the plant alone just sell it it is peaceful to most made me go from wanting to hurt people bad to not at all love it I feel human again

  12. How we should be illegal and it's a natural plant from Earth that God gave us for body healing now you want to send out the jail for something that's medicine for the Body cuz it get your body high

  13. "For he (satan) shall seek to change the laws and wear out the saints." (Daniel 7:25) "All these things are in accordance with the coming of the Lawless One. For the mysterious lawlessness is already at work." (2 Thessalonians 2)

  14. Have you heard that MJ can greatly reduce withdrawals syndrome? As it can help in many other diseases. I'm sure you did. This God given plant can be the answer for many tuff questions. World just needs to open the eyes for the reality. And this reality is being reported to the World by Frank's channel. You are not getting high on fetty, you are just dying! Being high on fetty is the same as being close to death when your body produce the final hormones. That substance is not for people who are healthy. Its sad that many people suffered before realizing this truth. But there is a lot more people to be safe in the future. Please legalize the MJ to help those who are suffering right now. Please legalize the MJ to help other people understand what the real good high is. MJ is an exit drug and the answer. Is the politicians who made from MJ a devil's drug. It doesn't have to stay that way and I'm sure it wont. You don't need to suffer no more!

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