Legal Recreational Marijuana Bill Moving Along In Minnesota House

A bill legalizing recreational marijuana is moving along in the Minnesota House, Caroline Cummings reports (2:14). WCCO 4 News At 6 – April 27, 2021.


  1. For those non weed smoker when it comes to driving, they are somewhat wrong. Yes you’re high but your sense of awareness is significantly increased which leads to normal decision making when it comes to driving on the road. The only difference is, that you’re more relax and focus while driving and this is coming from someone who’s done this for 4 years now. There is no type of impairment at all. To legalize marijuana will save and help many out there with disabilities and especially makes it easier for atheletes like myself to access it because it is beneficial to the body.

  2. Please make this bill into law we need marijuana for many reasons. But the two most important reasons why is because this would help with equality and give people a second chance. And it would generate a lot of money from tax’s and that money can go towards a lot of important things Minnesota needs/deserves. And it would let people get stoned whenever they want which is a great thing not a bad thing. People love to get drunk well not me I don’t drink and never will but I love to smoke weed. I don’t vomit I don’t crash cars (because I don’t drive) and I don’t abuse the people I love. All that could happen if you drink and it’s hardly fair to compare alcohol to marijuana weed is 10 times more safe and easy to manage and regulate. #LegalizeMN

  3. Republican clowns only use the same old excuse “ we need more study” .. marijuana has been on the books for 3,500 years . The government hate a person who smokes a joint , stops and thinks and questions things . Covid 19 been around for less than 2 years and the government says “here Inject this shit into your arm “ with 0 study on long term effects . .. 0 . I mean what if a person dies from this vaccine while driving a few year down the line ? What if?? We just don’t know yet .. im taking my chances with 3,500 years of marijuana, what magic study did R Paul gazelka and R Brian Johnson miss in 3,500 years ?? Reefer madness is fake dudes ..
    I have been smoking over 20 years , great life , wife and kids !! job and SPOTLESS driving and criminal record . How about this science MN Republicans , legalize recreational marijuana it’s already here , stick that “not enough study” shot up your ass.
    Your time is up in Minnesota next election republicans. Out of touch with now and still more like racist old white guys .. I’m white and know republicans are the racist party for white rich people..the republicans rely on old fake news to incite fear and lies within the community.. legalize marijuana in Minnesota 2021 ! Study the shot , not the pot .

  4. Can I have my life back too ? Or are we gonna start from scratch . My record is affects my personal pursuit to freedoms only reserved for the wealthy . Public defenders dont cut it . I had 2 removed for not knowing my first name infront of open court ???? Small amount of weed got my driving privilege away for life in Minnesota, no other state will allow me to drive until I get my record squashed and driving privilege reinstated . Been looking over my shoulder ever since I was black balled n labeled by systematic aggression towards low income folks btw I m 57 white male 3 sons n a wife . When n if I get to drive I look forwards to the 3 plus years insurance company gets to gouge me ???? Not one penny to get help treatment would have costed me $8000 out of pocket . When I was relieved of my career I lost everything . Btw I hate myself . My life sucks . But I dont believe in suicide that's how dark it is . Charge a banker for over extending credit I stead we get to bail them out too big to fail ????? My ass .

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