10 Steps to Starting a CBD Business | CBD Entrepreneur

CBD Expert and founder of Joy Organics shares the 10 steps to starting your own CBD business. Summary CBD Expert and …


  1. I am looking for financing or contract to produce CBD and hemp hurd , hemp fiber and micronized hemp Hurd on an area of 16 up to 300 hectares and others industrials.

  2. I have the finer details down but what I can't get an exact answer on is the best payment processor to use with a Shopify account? I can't find one that will easily integrate with Shopify and isn't crazy expensive or only available for established companies.

  3. I like what Todd and the people at Joy Organics are doing here. Great educational videos that are short and sweet. Focusing every video on what to do and what not to do, usually involving the ideas of doing the right thing ethically, treating the customer with respect, investing in high quality organic products, etc. However, I'm in shock that he would then turn around and mention half asking your logo design and branding by using 99 Designs. I agree with most of what Todd is saying but I 100% Disagree with his suggestions of using 99 designs. I think if you use 99 Designs your going to get a very generic logo that will not last I promise you that. While it's tempting due to the low cost Todd says it here in the video "You get what you pay for!". As a seasoned design I can tell you that if you hire a great designer which great experience, you'll find that you'll be addressing the important aspects of a logo design, and how that translates into your overall branding (Branding is not a logo design). With the right designer you'll be able to go back and forth through different discovery sessions that will the yield not just a good design, but one that is appropriate, simple, and distinctive. No great designer will ever work for pennies and/or compete with other designers to rush thought a design. If you want a great branded experience with exceptional designs reach out to me and I'll be able to help you on a higher level. Of course some people don't care much about their design but those business never last. Just look any great brand out there….do you think they used cheap sites that promote the reduction and respect for real problem solving designers? I think not. Other than that, I do like this channel. Cheers

  4. Hello. I'm interested in starting an online CBD Business. Do I go to the IRS for an EIN #? Also, do I obtain a Merchant account from my bank? If so, you mention make sure they do CBD processing.

  5. Hey Todd. Great video. I am looking at setting up my own company in the UK. Primarily I want to grow, process and manufacture a product. If you have time I would love to chat with you

  6. It's good marketing content but not informative at all. Most of the steps are true for any kind of business. The interesting parts of CBD business (distribution, logistics, packaging, etc…) is forgotten. this video is the opposite of relevant information

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