1. Vic. Gov. Doing β€œ blackmail β€œ to citizens of Victoria. NO JAB NO JOB , what is this β€œ blackmail β€œ we have to go to Courthouse and see what Law tell about
    β€œ blackmail β€œ

  2. Thank you. I couldn't believe they were saying we are booming…wtf ??? No wonder CBD is out of bounds. DAN DOESN'T WANT ANYONE TO SEE THE SHIT HE HAS CREATED.

  3. why hasn't dan andrews been investigated by ibac for calibrating with
    the Chinese communist party and also for blackmailing vic workers into
    putting an unsafe vaccine into their bodies, and for locking people in
    their houses against their will. and what happened about the hotel
    security blunder that he is responsible for, and he made that work safe
    rule, come on, this is a joke, dan andrews needs to be arrested for
    crimes against humanity

  4. A considerable number of voters may no longer vote for Andrews or the Labour Party in Victoria (at the next election), but the Liberals are in coalition with Labour, both parties are just opposite sides of the same coin. We need a different direction by those who's party is not guided by external forces the likes of Soros and Gates, Klaus Schwab's The Great Reset and the like. All of our current cohorts are trampling on our human rights and our Australian Constitution, and that being a fact, illustrates the Labour and Liberal coalition.

  5. But to most Melburnians, the Andrews version of the city is utopia. Melbourne is populated by lefty eco loons and latte sipping simps. Having their throats stepped on by police every other day must be like lefty paradise to them.

  6. Mummy was about to get up and smack Finny boy after he didn't respond to her scalding. Australian parliament is a joke! I support Mr Finn for being so bold. Most governments are in line with the Great Reset and this is part of the plan, to break down the economy.

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