1. Liability Insurance premiums will skyrocket for companies and businesses in the state. Businesses will have to decide if it is profitable to remain in Connecticut. Their liabilities will increase exponentially both civilly and criminally. The prospect of having someone on their production line under the influence of drugs creating a substandard or defective product that could lead to the death or injury of it’s user leaves that business culpable. They may decide it’s a better business decision to leave Connecticut and take their jobs with them. For those companies that remain, get ready to have to give your boss a “urine sample” every week or month to keep your job. The easiest and most corrective measure to keep your job is to VOTE THE DEMOCRATS OUT OF OFFICE IN NOVEMBER and return “sanity” back to State Government so you can have gainful employment ! Stupidity and Greed should not be rewarded !

  2. What would we do without more 'oversight' I dont care either way but they cant stop taking care of us or finding a reason to do it or maybe keep their jobs? What about the illegal drugs running the streets and when the dealers get arrested, if they do, they get therapy? Really? It's not a medical product so 'say what?' She thinks it's become a medical issue now?! Crazy

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