Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Why I changed my mind about marijuana

CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how he changed his mind about using marijuana for medicinal purposes and why he wrote Attorney General Jeff Sessions …


  1. This POS is a fraud. Remember when he called it a myth that the virus came from a lab. Ya right. Oh the morons giving this a thumbs up should be hung.

  2. My guess is that, they don't legalize it, because some pharmaceutical companies would go bankrupt, they would go out of business, and by far we know that these companies don't care so much about healing, but piling up more money instead….

  3. Delighted to see this, from personal experiences I stand firm in the belief that weed is a healing factor in many illnesses. πŸ’―πŸ’™πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ§‘πŸ’– I just received your book today #KeepSharp build a better brain at any age, on the 1dt chapter now it's very insightful and gives many untapped pointers about our Brains. Thanks you kind sir Dr Gupta πŸ’―πŸ’™πŸ’œβ€οΈπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ§‘πŸ’–β˜―οΈπŸŒŠπŸ’†β€β™€οΈ

  4. i would like to see marijuana in oil supplement from than the smoking version . I believe the smoking action can damage the lungs , but chewing marijuana or maybe marijuana drinks could replace alcohol which could cheaper and decrease whole lot of disease

  5. It is hard to believe that someone this well educated could be so stupid and ignorant of the dangers of marijuana. Every day in this country people are showing up in emergency rooms fighting for their lives with serious psychoses and hallucinations due to marijuana. Listen to the emergency room doctors like Dr. Roneet Lev not this guy.

  6. Who is this SELLOUT? Not the sweet young doctor that made all those wonderful helpful videos I've been watching on You Tube? You look nothing like him! You sound nothing like him! He's GONE forever and I hate the new you! If you ever have a kid that gets hooked on marjuana, you may feel different about it! It's worse than the PILLS doctors hand out like candy! So disappointed in you.

  7. according to the state of Florida marijuana does not treat pain.
    Florida legalized medical marijuana for many purposes one of the main ones was pain and once I received my recommendation Florida said too many people once again to many people have marijuana prescriptions for pain therefore it must be false and the state has now said that pain is not treatable with marijuana because it doesn't work.
    The official stance of Florida is marijuana cannot treat pain Florida says that is false and that marijuana will not be used for pain just because too many prescriptions were written they didn't say too many were written they said zero can be written for pain Florida says it doesn't work for pain Florida says that is a false statement and pain is not treatable.
    someone please please help us here in Florida help them to understand what they're doing here. I must now either tolerate my pain or go back to opioids someone please help.

  8. I'm literally appalled at how many very well paid Liar's there are who get to direct the course of American lifestyle from the lavishly appointed Studio's in NYC Like Dr {I use the term loosely } Sanjay Gupta who would love for all of you to believe the reason he flipped like a pan cake about the Weed subject was in part due to new medical study's and media attention because prior to that there just weren't any fact's out there about the positive elements of weed , It had nothing to do with the fact it was intentionally demonized & criminalized and issued the dreaded Schedule 2 moniker I believe and that all started with a phone call from the Great and not that wonderful Mr Rockefeller of the Petroleum cartel Standard Oil , Weed was written about and used medically in many cultures all around the world along with a close relative to weed the Hemp plant had been used from way way back for so many things including the very clean burning lamp oil used throughout many regions to light home's and shops But Standard oil needed someone to sell his newly found black shit to so they demonized it and criminalized it and even had the white populations of people thinking That Black men Stoned on the "Devil Weed" were coming for your daughter's to rape them . OK That's done . Now flip the page to today . So for many year's The Very Savy and oh so entrepreneurial Dr Sanjay Gupta was in lock step with the FoxNews Mentality and OK calling it illegal "Narcotics" But now today because of the decades old middle class economic decline and total lack of real job opportunity together with the 2008 intentional looting & pillaging of our entire Country wide Middle class wealth transfer and let's not for get the Monsanto "protection act" Guess what people a real News Shocker Monsanto/Bayer's recent announcement into the soon to be legalized Weed industry we will not only be able to eat Our GMO Round up ready Monsanto Food's but Smoke The newly released Monsanto/Bayer GMO Round Up Ready weed ….. HELLO .. So What do you think Sanjay would do next ? Of Course !!!! Sanjay say's because of all the new Media attention and New medical study's about weed I've completely changed my mind but What's horrifying is this nut-less prick actually had the audacity to say it so matter of factually and with a straight face , So Like I said "Dr" Sanjay has been completely compromised his opinion's tainted as he is literally in Lock step with Big Aggro / Big Pharma / Banking / Petro Big Corp.. This Man for year's in the earlier part of his career demonized weed like it was the Devil Because that was what he was told to do Now because Monsanto is getting ready to take it Internationally and sell He has changed his mind . This Man is perpetrating a fraud he is totally disingenuous and without an ounce of moral Or testicular fortitude He is damaged good's a sell out .

  9. It's hilarious for that dope from CNN asking about what affect journalism has had on changing attitudes regarding marijuana, especially since it is rarely practiced on his network.

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