How does marijuana affect your brain?

Marijuana is getting more and more popular every year. Public sentiment is shifting and states across the U.S. have begun legalizing pot for medical and …


  1. Unfortunately, YouTube says this video is not suitable for advertisers (despite manual review). We get it. Cannabis is a controversial topic. However, we think that content like this is important and we will continue to make it, even when it isn't considered ad-friendly. If you like what we do and are interested in supporting us in other ways, consider checking out our Patreon:

  2. Weed isn’t a gateway drug ok, I’ve been smoking for years and my health is fine, I’m a fit mountain biker and I race mx, weed has not effected me for the past 4 years of smoking a lot

  3. Cannabinol (CBN) is likely the guy in charge of the sleepiness of indica, and cannabinoids such as CBG, CBD, and CBC are likely in charge of the lighter effects of sativa variants.

  4. My interest is how a responsable use of cannabis can contribute to some cognitive improvements as in creativity and learning. Mental developement and self-improvement is a topic every day more interesting

  5. I’m not sure 3% is statistically significant of those who have a CURRENT use disorder, versus those who have tried cannabis at least ONCE (non active users). I dare say the percentage is higher

  6. The only negative of marijuana is… smoking it! Smoke doesn’t belong in the lungs. Even though. Smoking is my favorite way of using the herb. Maybe when it’s legal and more abundant. Then I could use it as an ingredient in my meals.
    The government doesn’t like marijuana cause it opens the mind. They don’t want free thinkers. They want brain dead zombies. Here’s looking at you (evil)democrats and republicans.

  7. Mota. All those who want to use it should be able to enjoy it. Personally it is not for me. Paranoia and anxiety is not for me lol. But all those that want to enjoy it should have the right to freely enjoy it.

  8. I heard they legalized alcohol instead to encrust the pineal gland which cannabis does not! They do not want us spiritually awakened. They want us controllable. They being the deep state.

  9. Love the Carl Sagan's book behind you. What do you think of the story about his relationship with cannabis and the alleged piece he wrote under the name of Mister X?

  10. There are actually receptors in the esophagus that bind thc and seem to heighten the munchies. Human anatomy channel or whatever the name (the one where they cut the cadavers to show how the body works :d) had some content on this.

  11. After many failed experiments with some other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I would ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I highly recommend for practically any health problem.

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