How to Prevent Seizures and Treat Epilepsy

Herbs to consider that I mention in the video: -Gota Kola -Passion flower -Skullcap -Lemon Balm Foods to consider: -Avocados -Berries (esp. wild blueberries) …


  1. It is difficult when you try to find the right medicine to cure epilepsy, it can feel like a shot in the dark. Doctors prescribe loads of medications which eventually have more terrible side effects and these medications are addictive and weaning it off increases seizure frequency. This is the reason I recommend natural treatment. My Aunt's experience proved dealing with seizure is not a hopeless situation; it can be treated and cured completely through herbal medicine, the right lifestyle. The benefits of natural medicine are numerous and it has no side effects. My Aunt used HILTON ANTI-SEIZURE HERBAL MEDICINE with the right diet and got her permanently cured. Look it up to find the name and make an inquiry.

  2. I was born with epilepsy and cerebral palsy. I have a twin brother, i was born first. My brother was born with no problems. I take phenytoin for my epilepsy, as a child I was on phenabarbatone, then at 14 i was put on Epilim 500mg. Which caused me to gain lots of weight. I went to live in Canada for a few years where I was taken off eperlim & switched to phenytoin. Which I still take today. As a child I had grand mal seizures, which doctors said I would grow out of. Which I did, but I now have petit mal. It' feels weird when I have it, i can hear all thats going on around me, but ppl and any noise, sound much louder, plus it feels like I'm floating on water. Before the seizure I get the smell like burnt toast. I can have a seizure at any time, night or day. Unpredictable. I feel a little confused when I come round, which lasts for a couple of minutes, then I'm back with you again. Usually a cup of tea helps me recover. I read a lot of blogs where people who shared their testimonies kept mentioning Anti-seizure Herbal medication. I searched for a website I just followed the email address of Doctor Patrick that was shared on these testimonies; I got lucky when I got a reply from Dr. Patrick. I followed his instruction, used Herbal Medicine in less than 2 months, I was already cure because of the changes I was seeing. Within a period of 5 months, I was cured totally forever. I went back to my neurologist, I was checked up and marked epilepsy free. If you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email and WhatsApp connection is +2348102558553 for help,

  3. My daughter was diagnosed with Epilepsy. The neurologist was very confident about the diagnosis based, my Daughter had an EEG (no idea if it showed anything; we were tired and may have misunderstood what he said about that). MRI was negative for problems. For the past 4 months or so, I have seen weekly occurrences, making strange faces (this involved cheek twitching and lip quivering). We did not realize it could be a serious problem until she had an obvious seizure (simple partial) last week. What is troubling about my daughter condition is that we have seen many daytime seizures, and that recently the seizures seem to cluster together. No idea if there are seizures occurring at night. We were given a prescription for Kapra, but are still weighing the risk / rewards of giving the medication to a toddler. After returning from the hospital, my daughter experienced a round a vomiting lasting from 3 AM to 11 AM, followed by additional vomiting the following morning at around 2 AM. Nothing sense then. She has not had an appetite, is drinking fine, and otherwise appears healthy. I read a lot of blogs where people who shared their testimonies kept mentioning Anti-seizure Herbal medication. I searched for a website I just followed the email address of Doctor Patrick that was shared on these testimonies; I got lucky when I got a reply from Dr. Patrick. I followed his instruction, used Herbal Medicine in less than 2 months, my daughter seizures reduced drastically. Within a period of 5 months, my daughter was cured. I went back to my neurologist, where my daughter checked up and marked epilepsy free. If you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email and WhatsApp connection is +2348102558553 for help….

  4. Love it!! Thank you so much for sharing. My husband was diagnosed with epilepsy and we are really looking into alternatives ways of healing him. We will definitely continue to follow you. Thank you so much for sharing, I can’t thank you enough!

  5. There are Illness that drugs and injection can't cure ,I have seen the great important of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people lives , I have read peoples testimonies online on how they were cured of HERPES ,CANCER, FIBROID, HPV, LUPUS, DIABETES,INFERTILITY, PENIS ENLARGEMENT, LOW SPERM COUNT etc by Dr. Ehizele herbal medications so I decided to contact the great doctor ,because I have spent a lot in hospitals and clinics , so I have no choice than to try herbal medications ,
    I have diagnosed with HIV , since 2010, I lost hope of been cured , until I contacted this Dr and he sent me herbal mixture through the ups delivering service , which I drank for 14 days and I went to test after 14 days , I went for a test just to discover that I am free from HIV, I was so happy and it was like a magic to me. I like to let the whole world know that there is a cure for hiv , am a living testimony of Dr Ehizele herbal medications,its real and it works
    Contact Dr Ehizele with the info below and get cured from different types of viruses and diseases

    WhatsApp +2347089384319


  6. Yes. Gotu kola is very good, I have some kind of migraine epilepsy which makes me got headache at certain time, and my brain too tired to move & think if it happens. Medicine do not work, but if I take gotu kola tea or capsule at least 3 times a day it suppresses by my migraine epilepsy by 80% then i can think again and move

  7. Wendy Gilker. Do you know if I can mix and take all of those at 1 time? I've recently started having seizures again and want to to end it with diet and natural products. Instead of pharmaceuticals. I appreciate your help!

  8. thank God i find a
    redeemer who change the life of my only son who had epilepsy and seizure for
    about 11 years until had contact with doctor Jaja he introduce me to his
    marvelous product which he administered for about 6 months its was so
    unbelievable until my son was sable and no trace of the illness no more he now
    has a normal live if you interested you can email

  9. Hello everyone. I was heartbroken when my son was diagnosed of Epilepsy (seizure disorder) two years ago I was wasting money on hospitals everyday trying to treat the deadly disease and It didn't provide a good result. So i saw some few comments about this herbal specialist called Dr Ajege and decided to email him he told me about his herbal medicine and how he has helped so many people so I decided to give his herbal product a try, he gave me some comforting words with his herbal medicine for my son Within two weeks of it, i began to notice some changes in my son and now my son is perfectly okay and free from epilepsy am so happy. feel free to contact Dr Ajege on (drajegeherbalremedy@gmail .com) Or WhatsApp +2348027521615

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