Product in this video: Herbivore emerald c a n n a b i s sativa hemp deep moisture glow oil Can be found here: …


  1. Just fyi – there is actually no CBD oil in the Herbivore's Emerald serum. They use Cannabis Hemp Seed Oil which has a completely different effect than the cannabidiol oil 🙂

  2. Marijuana helps increase estrogen levels. Estrogen blocks sebaceous glands from overproducing sebum. And keeps acne at bay. I stopped smoking pot bc I wasn't sick anymore. Guess who started getting acne… 😂.. me… It's me… 😔

  3. I use weed in alot but one of my favorite ways beyond a shadow of a doubt are using pure hemp oil on my skin. I also get extremely dry skin. And I can almost guarantee mine gets way worse than yours haha. It's awful. Flaking. Looking like dry paper. Ugh.

  4. I loveeee this review and I also prefer a light consistency for oils. I‘d love to buy it from the shop you tagged. But do I have to pay customs duties? Cuz I live in germany. Please answer ♥️

  5. Can I point out that you might have candida overgrowth or some kind of digestive problems or food allergies that you dont know. I only say this because your tongue is really white. For myself i know that tongue is a good indicator of health 🙂

  6. I just bought hemp oil with collagen from Marshall’s and I got a 32 ounce container of it from Pharma table for $7.99. I love it too so far but I have combined it with some amazing Rosehip seed oil and hemp oil with collagen and Rosehip seed oil is amazing I just put all over my face and it feels better than when I use aloe it feels amazing I love it!

  7. Its not weed oil. It’s CBD. Cannabinol oil. There no thc in it, which is the compound that gets you high, but it has lots of anti inflammatory benefits and supposed to help with pain and other things

  8. If you use cbd oil on your skin, you will fail a drug test. It has to say 0.000% thc. Or you will fail. If you use full spectrum face cream you will fail a drug test. Seriously buy a 5$test and test your levels after using cbd oil. Even if it says 0% it is not regulated, buy a drug test just in case. It's better to he safe than sorry.

  9. Hi Love your vid…just wanted to say I received the Herbivore in Emerald sample with a Sephora purchase and I'm super sensitive to the smell of weed so, I can't stand the smell of it. I personally think weed smells like skunk. So, I don't want it on my face. However, I gave the oil a try anyway and as soon as I applied it to my face It started to tingle and I immediately felt like I was about to break out so, I quickly washed it off. Because, I don't have super dry skin, any type of oil based moisturiser usually tends to break me out. Although, I do have dry areas on my body and the oil does seem to feel super hydrating so If I were to purchase another one, I would, except probably in a different scent, like rose🌹Anyway, thank you ❤

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