Is Marijuana Harmful to Health? Or Helpful? ER Doctor Explains Medical Marijuana & Cannabis

Is marijuana harmful or helpful? A real doctor reacts to extreme cannabis cases he sees in the ER. There are a lot of studies and cases out there of patients …


  1. I get medical weed for my cptsd and it's a huge huge help and the only reason I'm haven't killed myself by now and why iv finally for the first time in my life since I was 14 stayed out of the mental hospital for almost 2 years now it's a literally my miracle drug although I before I was getting medical I did once got laced weed amd once got synthetic weed and I felt horrible so make sure your weed is safe of your not getting medical also I do have schizoaffective disorder and iv had it my whole life literally my earliest memory os a hallucinations so I get psychosis and weed had never once caused hallucinations for me other when I got laced weed

  2. Cbd cancels psychosis and taking weed mixed with something is not just weed so stop it drinking is bad for you so you take in you have a overdose and you blame weed for that blunt are fucking tabacco so if your lung are in poor sape or you get cancer weed had nothing to do with it and yea smoking to much will get you dizzy ans probably vomit but thia is if you take to much of everything nnot just weed

  3. I always used to get 150-180 hbpm(heart beats per minute) after just 15mins. But if i drink like 3 cans of beer before smoking i usually get 90-150. After smoking for half a year i noticed some weird things going on with my heart, things that never happened before. So i quited, but nothing really changed. Like sometimes it's fine and sometimes it's not, and it's a challenge to describe what I'm felling, but it's like a needle is stabbing chest and heart, i get weak, fatigue, cold sweat sometimes a bit dizzy, like i get a felling as if I'm about get a heart attack and when i touch my chest with my hand i barely fell any heart beats. But if get my mind sorted(which is very hard) everything gets back to normal, but if I start to think about it again, it starts it's crap again. And even now while writing this I'm slightly thinking about it, and now I'm getting those damn needles again which is annoying me, but just needles nothing else. If you haven't smoked this poison before, DON'T TRY!

  4. The long term downside is it causes anddhonia and post acute withdrawal syndrome panic attacks on weed is tripping. Medical Cannabis is fantastic for migraines!

  5. Based on your knowledge and experience about cigarettes, vaping, and weed smoking which would you say is the worse and which is the “best” if you had to choose? (All being done legally so not like smoking weed before adolescence is finished for example and smoking only dispensary weed)

  6. Chemo saved my life. The side effects were over the top brutal. Weed let’s me live a life. Not anecdotal evidence to me or my family. Weed is medicine. Do not ever think otherwise.

  7. Most of the people I know who smoke weed are severely mentally deficient. They suffer from behavioral issues and anxiety, and act like teenagers. They seem as if their brains have been stunted by it.

  8. I never had an issue with it… simply puts me to sleep. a good nights sleep at that. I do not dispute what the doc says….but my weekly use doesn't seem to have done anything. The doc has experience with many people outside yourself though so I def give him max merit. I take to get a good nights sleep

  9. Cannabis is a medicinal drug and of course it can have downsides just like any other medication. Too much of anything is a bad thing and everyone reacts differently. There needs to be more research done so that we can safely use it, and more education on recreational usage.

  10. I'm 20 years old. I smoked cannabis for the first time 3 months ago. I had a psychotic episode. It was very bad. I came out of it a day later. I've been scared about my mental and neurological state ever since.

  11. Let’s be honest..most people don’t know their tolerance and eat several edibles, or they smoke cannabis high in THC with little to no cbd to balance. It’s not for everybody, but the benefits far outweigh the risks. I bet many people are just running to the ER because they are waaay “TOO HIGH” 😐

  12. ‘Under federal law’ people get polluted weed and end up in hospital. Do they use this to scare people from weed, hell yeah I think they do. Doctors explain how weed is grown in low altitude areas for CBD balanced cannabis. The evidence is buried of us using cannabis for 4,500 years ago as a medicine. Even Beyoncé uses CBD and it was meant to be a big thing. To be honest CBD can be diffused back into THC, what do you think this means? All I see is black celebrities holding back what they have to say and white old folk chatting more 💩 (which are always being proved incorrect). Who can believe any of this nonsense? The government made all of our food toxic in every way possible and people still listen to them?! Absolutely outrageous, do the math people, they took away cannabis and replaced it with cigarettes

  13. smoked 17.7grams of 3 different strains of cannabis in a night it has to be impossible over dose on weed and if it is possible then slap a "my name is…" sicker on my ass and call me demi lovato

  14. i hate it when that synthetic crap is put into the same category as real weed. they are two entirely different things….yes, inhaling smoke is bad. of course its bad. especially long term, smoking alot each time and smoking often. that being said, ive been using weed for about 30yrs now. i use it for a couple of reasons. it does help with some of the symptoms i get from my IBS-D so i use it on occasion for that. the thing is, sometimes, i use it because i want that instead of alcohol.

  15. I've been smoking daily for the last 25 years maybe 30
    I truly feel it is beneficial to us in many different ways
    Especially anger issues, eating , sleeping
    Emotional issues
    So I am a super strong supporter of bud
    I take no other type of meds prescribed or not
    I'm 45 w no issues physically

  16. Bro. It's not the weed fault. What he's saying is right, but this only applies to if you smoke only high thc products. Anything over 70% can fuck your body up. Because it overrides the canaboinoids that are already in are body. Things like carts and edibles with high potency for people with low tolerance or some with high can experience bad things from it. Weed is not the problem it's you guys who want high potency shit. I've done low and high from flower to edible and carts. What I experienced is that carts and edible for me messes my body up completely, even the high is different. When I smoke just flower, I get the best experiences. So potency is key. Some people like me had to learn the hard way an go through months of trauma from overrided system. I had bowel problems, random spikes in anxiety, depression and etc. My dad and mom smoke an never had this problem. It's because they stick to the flower. Don't trust them carts and edibles until they make lowe potency its not worth it. In 2020 alone I had over 10 doctors visit because of it. Plus the flower is better then carts anyway. Also if you don't know what I mean. Carts potency is around 70% to 100%. Edibles potency can't even be calculated with either carts and flower, there on a different scale. And flower usually ranges from %10 to like %50.

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