Jailed in Dubai: Billy hood locked up for 25 years over CBD oil found in car

‘Dubai police are incentivised to secure drugs convictions and they do not care whether there is evidence against that person to prove the guilt.’ Radha Stirling …


  1. If anyone needs a reason to avoid these countries, here’s another one. Dubai isn’t the UK. I know someone who was r@ped there and reported it like any woman would, she is still in jail for having relations with a man not her husband. It obviously wasn’t her choice. Dubai is chaotic human rights and best and no human rights on the norm.

  2. I think this is justified. Seriously when people do any crime in UK I hear all the UK public saying you have to follow British law. So isn't it double standards if a person from Britain goes abroad and breaks that country's law. If someone from UAE broke British law and was jailed in Britain would the British legal system change sentencing for those individuals?

  3. Shocking thing is you are allowed to drink alcohol in Dubai, but CBD oil will land you in the shit. I've tried CBD oil many times, you cannot get high from it.

  4. 25 years for CBD Vape juice – it's as crazy as that granny who got locked up for poppy seeds from a eating a bagel and all the other nonsense "drug" offences. Regardless of the "local laws" bullshit – these sentences and alleged crimes are just pure zealous overkill , the folk who came up with these should be in jail instead, over something that is so so trivial and pathetic. I'd really love someone to interview the folk who instated these laws and watch them try to justify this sentence.

  5. I'm a Bahraini citizen, he deserved to be jailed. And it's not the fault of international law or whatsoever. This is should be something westerners including white ppl to learn, taught, to accept their fate, not to be privileged and don't abide the law around the world. It's because many of them being snob thinking they're can travel anywhere and still do anything he can do like they can do in their home country…

    Westerners, whites, Europe aryans, british, there is many time to learn, educate yourself about law and order, peace out

  6. I don't know why westerners act like they can go to any country do anything and getaway with it not all country have similar laws and culture please get this in your heads

  7. Brits/westerners should boycott that place but we wont, an to those who will say we shouldn’t do the crime, these mostly arn’t crimes, listen to this case they are doing him for selling drugs basically and its not even drugs its less drug like than an asprin or some foods!


  9. I pray Billy comes home to his family amen. and what could I do to help. 25 years is alot. Especially I feel sorry for his family. There's alot wicked crimes that are going on. We have to help Billy get home to his family ASAP! đź’Ż

  10. 1. Radha Stirling, is making some serious allegations, rightfully the interviewer pointed this out. Always 2 sides to the story.
    2. Where is this friend of his? That apparently owned & left the oil in the car.
    3. If So, how on earth did this friend get this oil? Did he smuggle it in? Did he get it there? This needs to be addressed.
    4. As has been mentioned, they have zero tolerance. Do the crime, do the time.

    We cannot apply or even compare our laws to their laws, we cannot dictate what is right or wrong to another country, you may want to sing the song, but the Brits do not rule the waves any more.
    As has also been mentioned, if you wish to move to another country, learn the language, culture, and more importantly the law.

  11. But they have no problem with Israelis “sneaking” drugs into the country after that rubbish peace deal. Disgusting country, even more disgusting government.

  12. I understand 25 years is a long time but why no newspaper is mentioning cannabis oil and just mentioning CBD… bottom line as a British born is that you don't go anywhere and think you can do what u want and let's not judge it was found on him now he can say its his friends and whatever but I think thr whole world knows you don't mess about in these counties.

  13. I went turkey last year, they have strict laws. I was told by the locals that if you even get caught with any sort of cannabis whether it’s oil,vape or the bud it self. Minimum 10 years. If it’s supply. 15 years. My point is when you go to these foreign countries you HAVE to do you’re research. Simple

  14. Yes this is a ridiculously long sentence for a young man, , but their country, their rules. I have no idea what the fascination is with Dubai, especially with groups of young lads. Plenty of other wealthy countries available without the risk.

  15. Why is this government so weak!!!
    Who is more powerful UK or Dubai?
    Get that lad back to his mum before it’s to late.
    Accident or not 25 years for CBD oil is a human rights violation.

  16. honestly i am suprised that dubaai would be so hard with law against a white person. usually dubai comes down hard on their indian and philipino workers with the law. the billy hood case is a new and rare one.

  17. I’ve been Dubai and Abu Dhabi many many times…it’s simple, follow the rules. Everyone knows … no drugs, no drinking unless in licensed places, no PDA, be modest. What are deemed to be drugs there are not the same as here…the bigger question is how did his “friend” get the cbd oil. What kind of friend allows this to happen to another? Why hasn’t this “friend” stepped up and admitted his crime.
    I appreciate that this is controversial topic … civil liberties are not the same the world over, and tbh I’ve always felt much safer there than I do here. We ask the authorities here to enforce the uk law and complain when other countries enforce do exactly that!

  18. The govt in Britain should jail a traveller or resident who Is from Dubai for a so called crime utilising a big jail sentence and same for Iran and then they should get it published in the news and can do a trade for this person and Nazareen. That would definitely work. They are doing to our citizens. I have visited Dubai as part of a stopover never again will i again. It was horrible when I was there.

  19. Get onto boris, all mp's, all TV social media. All presidents all over the world kim kardashian Donald Trump. Everyone all over the world. Speak to the Queen Buckingham Palace they have relationship with saudi's and dubai people. Dear Heavenly Father, please help this man to be released as a matter if urgency now, for the sake of your beloved Son Jesus and for the lad and his family Lord this is too much to bear. Please ensure everyone all over he world prays and believes and trusts that he will be released immediately and stop the fear looming now. In Jesus Christ's Almighty's name AMEN. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering our prayers. AMEN. God be with them all and Holy Mary. Keep praying everyone

  20. Dubai sucks i cant wait till the oil in the dessert finally dries out and we dont ever have to act like we respected these people at any point in time

  21. Yes it's very sad for him and the sentence is totally out of proportion,but he chose to go there nobody forced him,he may not of understood the legal system over there but you can't expect the treatment you get in western law courts in non western countries

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