1. I smoked for nearly 10 years after the military, I recently decided to stop to get a job in the oil fields….Now night after night, I am having the most vivid dreams.. it's beginning to scare me…I was having a dream of clearing a house with hostile people inside, there was 1 person there that I was choking… I woke up and I had my hands on my dog, I began to cry because now I don't trust myself sleeping in the same room with anyone… I have never gone to the VA after the military because I have never wanted help after my experience in the service, now I am thinking I have to get aid because this is just an awful feeling.

  2. I do want to point out one thing I'm not for sure if it gets mentioned in this podcast or not……. I've got things to do upon that this guy doing the mental health about cannabis causing suicide and stuff and people with schizophrenia and things like that to a certain extent that may be , and to a certain extent it may not be true !!!!!!! because a lot of people that are in the military get PTSD and pot has calmed them down. , what I'm trying to say is there is over 200 different kinds of marijuana, that's the , they need to pick which kind they can legalize and which kind they can't legalize cuz it all has different effects alcohol has one effect …… one effect only and that's to do bad intentions if you get too drunk depending on what type of person you are but remember there are over 200 kinds of marijuana and they all have different highs and different ways of affecting your biological makeup of whomever you are

  3. For me, weed causes me to over analyze every aspect of my behavior, even for a week or two after smoking. This leads to some terrible anxiety and just an uncomfortable feeling in almost every setting. I believe the side effects truly vary from person to person.

  4. Weed isn't a gateway, Your friends are. Watch who you hang around. I've never met someone who smokes weed jump to harder shit, because they thought it was better. 10/10 the reason they did other drugs was because someone pressured or put them on to it. When I first started smoking weed it was the best thing ever. The reason people hit other drugs is because other people influence them on how better other drugs are. Me and my friend have cards, so we go get are shit now. Oh by the way I wasn't put on to weed, I decided to do it myself because of the benefits.

  5. I’m a chronic thc smoker and always use my bong but I can’t consume edibles cause they make me unable to speak and I’m terrified and insecure, when typically I’m confident

  6. People have fallen victim to the myth that "more is better" with respect to THC content in cannabis. Too much THC does not make a better experience, but the entourage effect applies here, in that a moderate level of THC, CBD, and the terpenes optimizes the overall experience. Education on the proper way to utilize the entire plant would eradicate many of the so called "problems" people seem to have with usage. Cannabis is NOT for everyone, but when used properly, can be a godsend, for most,imo.

  7. Pot is way less harmful that alcohol. That is not to say that it is for everyone. I do not agree with saying that for the last 20 years we have only been hearing the positives about cannabis. Cannabis has been demonized for decades.

  8. I’m a lifetime Stoner and the last 10-12 years I’ve been suffering cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome it was once a year or two to now it rocks me 2-3 times a year. Literally jus got out the spital 12 hours ago, think ima have to take some time off, I’d recommend anyone who get caught up in vomiting cycles, nausea, dizziness, hands n feet going numb, and the only thing that seems to help is a hot shower you should definitely look into this

  9. What I don't like about smoking weed was how after getting high if I thought of some past situations that I felt embarrassed about the weed seemed to magnify my feelings of embarrassment. I got tired of that so I laid off weed.

    There are somethings I have heard of as solutions to this but haven't tried. I've heard I should try an indica dominate strain. I also remember reading somewhere that people take in too much weed at one time. Like take two hits from some weed and then take another two about an hour later. Anyway I may try these two solutions some day.

  10. Where's the proof that your friend who ate the edible had psychotic thoughts as a result? a) it could have had anything in it b) he could have been about to have a psychotic episode as people do all the time who haven't just had an edible, c) he was spiked by someone else prior to eating the edible. This is simply unscientific hearsay, cause and effect as understood by a layman. There is ample proof that CBD is an anti-psychotic, and if THC caused psychosis, there would have been a massive rise in psychosis / schizophrenia to match the massive rise in use of cannabis over the last 60 plus years, there is no such correlation, schizophrenia incidence has remained totally stable in the whole time. Perhaps your friend had been about to exhibit schizophrenia symptoms and using cannabis simply delayed the onset … until it didn't.

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