1. I know someone personally that smoked weed all through her pregnancy and her baby came out perfectly healthy! I was very angry at her for doing it, but her baby is healthy happy boy and still is today!

  2. Try being dehydrated & starving, can't keep anything down coming out of both ends its like food poisoning, even some medications they give you don't work. stay dehydrated n starve with the chance of ending up hospital or take 2 puffs uhhhh…. Idk

  3. Why are they calling the embryo a baby? Yet at the same time they'll call it an embryo while having an abortion?
    I wonder, could an abortion be bad for the baby? Naw, its just an embryo.

  4. Okay im honestly just curious if weed is worse than pharmaceuticals. I just havent seen the evidence to support the life changing spiral caused by things like opiates and anti-anxiety meds compared to marijuana…

  5. I don't care about the THC, I would take it without the THC or the high I don't care about that, I can take a few deep breaths and feel a high. i care about the real medical symptoms its completely gotten rid of for me. This was the absolute only thing that would help me , I wish they would research it more because i was so unhappy, not sleeping , vomiting , hating food , nasty metallic taste in my mouth and one hit of medical weed changed everything, my emotional and physical state. This can't be as horrible as the doctors are saying, please just research this because it's been such a blessing to me.

  6. Babies receive a TINY MICROSCOPIC AMOUNT of their mothers passive smoke. It's been used by royalty for centuries for pregnancy sickness. My son's life was SAVED ten yrs ago by my methadone addiction. Yeah. It provided him pain relief other babies in the same situ didn't get. He was the heaviest baby for his type of birth defect, and overcame it, we believe, more so because he was then given extra pain relief and opiates in my breast milk. The hospital asked for a FREEZER full of my milk for other babies pain relief should the parents choose. It's all fine & dandy for KAREN & KEN to spout distaste. Personally I can't stand weed & think it triggers mental health issues like depression and even alter personas in borderline and narcissistically traited ppl. Just bcos I made a mistake believe me I paid for over and over doesn't mean my journey was wrong because some blessed ppl who ve never humiliated themselves of grown from rock bottom can look down on us… If your on TV debating a subject there's meant to be pros and cons raised.

  7. The pharmaceutical companies will lie to you JUST like they lied about cannabis in the beginning to scare consumers . They can’t fully regulate it, it’s from the earth and there’s NO REAL EVIDENCE or research on it.

    People die and get addicted to prescription drugs. They told me That my nausea medicine could cause cleft lip….I’ve never heard cannabis doing that.
    STOP listening to bug pharma . It’s used to make money

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