1. Weed is Creator made, and those who says it's not should go straight to hell. Ignorance in NC is armpit leg for those who live in a bubble. You need to pass this because the State of NC is hurting, and this could make all of us healthier, and richer. And much better then the NC Lottery is. That is for damn sure…

  2. Man. Wtf is wrong with America. Legalize the shit on the federal level. RECREATIONAL. Safer than alcohol but that’s legal? and its actually beneficial. It’s 2021 in America. Get these old clowns out of the senate, time for some actual work to get done.

  3. I’ve had to move states because my condition isn’t “serious” enough. Fuck the tobacco farmers and people with old money, they are stopping it . Allow home grow and fully legalize it

  4. The majority of people who want cannabis to remain illegal know nothing about it and only believe the lies of previous generations. People have to understand most of what was taught to us about cannabis in the past was racist propaganda. It all about control. Land of the free? My ass!

    Thank you for the news story!

  5. Okay so… conservative news… just so you know… when it says "legal medically" "legal recreationally" and "illegal" and you split it into those three categories, when 30% and 30% for the first two add up to 60%, the 40% for "illegal" does not outweigh the previous two. LMAO

    is this what yall watch, where ever the hell this was made? lord have mercy

  6. I also suffer from chronic back pain, anxiety & sleeplessness from a motorcycle accident with a spinal fusion, & instead of taking pharma drugs, weed works amazing, any one who is against this bill is RIDICULOUS

  7. Thank youuuuu, Chris Suttle is a champ!!! I also suffer from chronic pain, anxiety & sleeplessness from having metal inserted in my back in a bike accident- I shouldn’t have survived. But it allows me to have QUALITY OF LIFE, PAIN FREE, WITHOUT PHARMA DRUGS!!!! So f*** all you idiots who are against it

  8. I guess it's looking better then ever but still won't happen or at least happen the way many think it will happen. you want to be legal we're going to have to move to another state NC will be the last one holding out losing so much revenue as usual.

  9. Those two old guys have no Clue about weed, they sound very ignorant and haven’t traveled to WA or Cali to see the reality. Once all these old bastards die we will get a younger generation of government officials that will make it recreational and medical marijuana legal.

  10. I'm indifferent to the whole thing. However, I do thing it's absolutely baffling that alcohol is legal, yet marijuana is not? Like put someone drunk behind the wheel of a car then someone high, let's see who the better driver is?

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