NYBC CBD Testimonial/Q&A

We took the time out to answer some of your most asked questions about our NEW NYBC CBD oil, as well as a brief testimonial from our pack leader Craig!


  1. My dog is on prozac and they want me to send her to a pet psychiatrist for 500 a hour. I cant afford that. I've spent 5000 in vet Bill's I rescued her. Shes has really bad anxiety. I heard CBd oil will help

  2. I give my 4 dogs human CBD oil and seen a significant improvements. One has/had seizures at least 3 times a day, the seizures have stopped. One has auto immune disease and the CBD oil has made him more comfortable, one was poisoned by the neighbor and almost died, I give it to her as a preventative and hope it will prevent any issues associated with the poisoning somewhere down the road as we don't know how it will effect her long term. The other little fellow is fine but I give it to him as well, there is always room for improvement in all dogs health both physical and mental. I swear by the stuff.

  3. hi nybc,, i have sent donations to you before ,, i have a pressa canario with repeated yeast infections ,,
    i cant afford her medication any more ,, what do i do ? as i adore her ,,, shes on apoquelle ,, malleseb, shampoo and eptopic ear cleanser ,, ,, i have a son who is autistic and he loves his dogs so much ,,,, does anyone know a cheaper alternative ,,, as im starting to think of the dark side alternative ,, it will kill us to,

  4. I know you are all busy…..but please do more videos. I loved the 20-30 min videos of rescues back in the day. I still go back and watch them. Also been vaporizing CBD flower every night for about a month and it's amazing. Better sleep than THC and feel better in the morning. It may also be helping my mental health but I can not guarantee that it's the CBD. Seems like it is but time will tell.

  5. Craig a got a suggestion bud …have you thought about doing a Saturday night or Sunday night live ??? I think it would be great !! I think it would be a very educational live chat!!! Thanks New York. Bully crew always doin it big ……Gods gunna have a temper pedic for you guys in heaven my mom ….do you have connections in Boston? ……Josh

    My dog is a pit bull he has really bad anxiety so he gets scared and lashes out any little thing freaks him out and I don't understand why its so bad.
    I got him when he was 5 months old so I have no idea if his old owner treated him badly or what happened but I've done everything to help him and nothing is working .
    I'm really scared because he's already bitten a kid and got animal control called on him, he's not a bad dog hes actually the sweetest boy and loves affection but he just lashes out out of fear and is very protective and territorial with strangers and other dogs.
    He has been around other dogs but started fighting and once our other dog passed away he became more territorial.
    He has been neutered but our vet told us that it was just his genetics so nothing else could be done besides put him on medication but I don't want to drug my dog out.
    If you could maybe give me some advice I know you guys work with pit bulls like him all the time maybe you guys can help me out a little because I love my dog and I don't ever want to be in a position where they take him away and put him down.

  7. I love watching your videos. And I am glad that CBD oil is becoming more accepted. Years ago I used it for my dog that had cancer. I was told I'd only have about a week if I was lucky with her. She quit eating and the medicine the vet gave me didn't help her appetite. I did research and found articles about it helping humans with cancer and was willing to try anything. I was able to have her appetite come back and she moved around instead of needing to be carried. She lived six months on it. I can not say enough good things about what it did for my girl.

  8. I always say God gave us everything we need in Mother Earth. I’ve tried every doctor prescribed “medication”, so far CBD oil has been the best thing I’ve tried and I know it helped me to quit smoking cigarettes almost 6 months ago! God bless!😊

  9. I've got a pittie with severe skin allergies who's on apoquel. The apoquel works wonders, but I wouldn't mind spending the same amount of money to support your organization. How bad were the skin allergies with the dog mentioned in the video? Also, how long will a 500mg bottle last? Is it a month supply?

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