PERFECT Vaporizer Temperature For THC or CBD – GUIDE

What is an ideal vape temp setting to get THC, CBD, CBN, Limonene and Myrcene? Today on Lex’s World I’ll discuss what we know about this topic and where I …


  1. If anyone is looking for a cheap, portable and temperature adjustable vaporizer I highly recommend the Black Widow. It has served be incredibly well and is going on 3 years of use this Fall and has never been an issue. 5 temperature settings from 180C to 220C is more than adequate

  2. Hey. Sorry for the somewhat off topic question. But do you know if you can vape dmt in a weed vape? I have a firefly 2. Seems like it would be good? Thought you might know..

  3. vaping newb question here: used my real old school vape pens that I using to vape e juice. They're weak vapes. trying to vape oil makes me cough my ass off. Theory is that some oil is getting into my lungs since these vapes can't produce enough power and therefore not enough heat? so I went a soichin and ended up here. great video. Sooo I what be grateful for any suggestions from anyone to help me with what I should get or what wattage, voltage, resistance settings etc so actually enjoy it instead of barfing up a lung in the process.

  4. Thank you for educating the cannabis community. Great video, I like how you explained the medical properties of cannabis, you have knowledge of it. We need more knowledgeable people like you educating society about the flowerā€™s medical values. CBD+THC RULES! āœŠšŸ½

  5. U weā€™re supposed to show us temps to burn or vape wax.. thanks anyway…sometimes trying to show that youā€™re going smart only loses the point and weā€™ll frankly this was no help at all

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