Sebewaing Township approves marijuana ordinance

A new marijuana regulation ordinance will take effect in Sebewaing Township next month.

The ordinance was introduced during a previous township board meeting by trustee Larry Kuhl.

A need for the ordinance was brought up when someone contacted the Sebewaing Township government inquiring about a growing area. After discovering the township didn’t have an ordinance for this kind of thing, the board consulted the township’s lawyers and decided to get one.

Sebewaing joins the townships in the Thumb instituting ordinances for marijuana, as more growers move into the area.

“It seems to be moving out of our cities and up into our area where they think we don’t know what’s going on,” said Sebewaing Township Supervisor Kurt Bach.

The ordinance doesn’t allow for commercial marijuana establishments or facilities to operate in the township, so don’t expect any greenhouses to pop up in Sebewaing.

The ordinance mainly concerns propriety and safety regulations regarding an individual or establishment hoping to grow or sell marijuana. Anybody wishing to grow or sell must firstly apply for a permit to do so. The permit application should include personal information like name, address, etc., the address of the premises where marijuana is being transported to, manufactured, sold, used, or stored, a full description of the kinds of equipment being used for the drug’s manufacture or storage, and a description of the security measures the manufacturer/provider will take to make sure nobody will be able to acquire it illegally.

The grower also has to make sure that nothing involved in growing the marijuana interferes with nearby residences. Any lighting involved can’t be directed anywhere at neighboring properties and any odor must be contained. The first two violations of the ordinance will be met with a civil fine of $250 maximum. Subsequent violations will be subject to a fine of $500 maximum.

The ordinance also covers rules and regulations for primary caregivers, who would presumably prescribe marijuana for their patients. The regulations include lot size (minimum of 10 acres), the amount of operations allowed on the premises, and all other regulations that apply to non-medical growing establishments.

The ordinance was published Thursday, Oct. 21, and will take effect on Nov. 20, as the ordinance must be published for 30 days before taking effect.

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