Suzie’s CBD Treats – Organic Treats for Pets

Visit to make your pets day! Never heard of Suzie’s? Read more below to find out more about our awesome company. We are a …


  1. It’s a pleasure and a joy to know that the work we do at Suzie’s helps so many pets and their humans. I read testimonials online and see them posted on the walls in the office-I am so happy to be a part of this team. Much love.

  2. I love this company so much! My American pitbull terrier and my schipperke mix fear thunderstorms and fireworks. Living in Florida hurricane season means lots of thunder. Thanks to Suzie’s high quality products they calm down within 10-15 mins. 🐾💖🐾

  3. My senior dog, Hope, has been getting her treats for the last 2 years and she looks forward to them at night before bedtime. Sometimes she shares with her brother Andy and sister Little Bit. Apple flavor is her favorite. Thank you for a wonderful product that I can trust.

  4. My dogs love suzies!! The treats and oil work wonders for my 80lb pitbull and 18lb shih tzu! They're both 10yrs old and doing great! I have their pics up on Instagram @pupufortwo ✌

  5. My senior furrbaby loves your products- and getting a look behind the CBD curtain to see how they are made and who makes them, just increases our total appreciation of your awesome products.

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