THC vs CBD: What's In Your Weed?

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  1. I dont know but when i was high, im always in a hurry and gets angry at people who move so slow. so when my friend drove me home and we were in a traffic jam, i argued that my friend stupidly drive so slow 😂

  2. if you are on benzos avoid cbd as it tends to compete with gaba receptors for some reason with certain people, stick to CBG instead which relieves anxiety and removes WDs from stimulants like cocaine and nicotine int he same way without purging the benzodizepene from your system.

  3. The chemical structures of both CBD and THC shown in the video are totally wrong. You guys showed a heptyl chain attached to the aromatic ring instead of a pentyl chain and there is no loss of aromaticity in CBD as well as the presence of iso-propylidine group is there instead of iso-propyl in the second ring.

    This being a science channel and myself being a chemist, I'm disappointed in lack of accuracy.

  4. Thc has bad influence on me, i got dizzy, see flashes and my heart pumps like crazy. I forced myself like 30-40 times and everytime is bad. I would like some relax feeling like people around me get, like i get with alcohol. Will cbd provide something like that ? No euohoria, paranoia and no anksioznost

  5. People are getting it all wrong… The reason some weed makes you really lethargic and hungry, is due to terpenes in Marijuana which actually determine mostly what kind of high you will have. CBD and THC when they bind, they also make you more lethargic too than terpenes alone, and that's why Indica is much better for treating anxiety. AND NOT CBD ALONE, because CBD is an anti-psychotic substance.

  6. In my country marijuana is illegal, i hope one day everyone realize that ganja is good and help people with anxiety and boost creativity, im tired of hiding…i wany to be free

  7. Rick Simpson oil also known as Phoenix tears Stanley Myers also known as running your car on water or your semi truck or powering your home for free free energy free health care and living longer and exposing the truth fixing the political system and the healthcare system part of that knowledge is med beds it all has to do with frequency it all has to do with light therapy and many other modalities that are causing people to have health care problems and when you combine all these things together you live healthier you live longer and become more abundant and this is the 911 truth movement and where we go one we go all and the United we stand and divided we fall expect us because we will continue to expose the Zionist pedophilia Agenda 21 population control agenda that is behind covid and the corona vaccination

  8. This is the 911 truth movement and where we going we go all United we stand and divided we fall expect us and we will continue to research and we will continue to bring the world the truth we will not stop and we will not give up until the world knows the whole truth and nothing but the truth

  9. Learn to research what everyone has to say about it research and show this information in videos under a microscope on what happens for the world to see and that's true transparency and here what many different people have to say about it not just one then we expose the criminals within

  10. THC is healthier and improving to grow new brain cells new nervous cell systems and increase your healthcare while CBD is just something that came out with that does not have the research behind it just like this coronavirus vaccination which is 100% b***** lies

  11. When it comes to weed i can get high but i always have panic attacks if i get so faded i become out of it but of all i get nauseas when im super high and it ruins the whole experience but i want to be out of it sometimes but idk maybe im not meant for weed lmfao someone help

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