ABC15 News Segment: Can CBD Cause You To Fail a Drug Test? | A Better Today Recovery Services

Cannabidiol or CBD, is a newer and increasingly popular way to treat everything from chronic pain to anxiety. Many people in the recovery are intrigued by its …


  1. There are at least 500 canaboids in Marijuana. Some crappy test only checks for canaboids… of any kind because they all break down into the same thing that the test looks for. So it doesn't matter how pure your cbd is. They need to just do away with testing for it all together. Violation of your private rights.

  2. "Everything needs to go through the doctor"…. Stfu, I am my own doctor. Plus your trying to convince us go through doctors that hand out drugs that kill us anyway. Instead of natural shit that needs legality. In so sick of this fixed minds of "rights" and "wrongs"

  3. This is why they need to fix the drug test system! Things have changed, and we need to stop punishing hard workers for cannabis use of any kind but especially cbd!!

  4. I was fired because I tested positive for THC. Because I used hemp oil in my hair and CBD detox tea. But alone with these two items I suffer from anxiety and depression in which I'm on Prozac-Fluoxetinr, Bupropion HCL SR, Topiramate, Ibuprofen 800mg, Buspirone, Diclofenac Sodium, and Lidocaine PTMD Patch. All these medications are Prescribed by my doctor. For anxiety, chronic lower back pain, Alopecia, and major depression. However with all this being said the medical review office of Dr. Stephen Kracht, at 8140 Ward Pkwy,, suite 276 in Kansas City, MO. never gave my health issues any consideration as to the reason I may have tested positive. And alone with this the social security number on my test was wrong. How do I not know if there was cross contamination, misconduct of handling switch test or something. I been in this business of transportation for ten years never had I tested positive. And after I was fired I went to two other locations to be retest on my own ar Kaiser and Quest Diagnostic both was negative third week from my job testing. Why aren't job and labs more Sensitive at this time of this pandemic. People are stressed and losing family. I still feel that this laboratory needs to be investigated.

  5. It should be illegal to put 0% thc on a bottle and sell it legally to someone the state is collecting tax money on this throwing people in jail for possession of marijuana that they call it hemp. Coruption at its finest not to mention people also loose their jobs over this thanks America.

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