Absence seizure, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Absence seizures are one of several kinds of generalized seizures. These seizures are sometimes referred to as petit mal seizures (from the French for “little …


  1. Actually valproic acid is avoided in pregnant women because it is teratogenic. Lamotrogine and leveracetam is better for treating their generalized seizures.

  2. Sent this to the ppl who make fun of my seizures

    also the longest absence seizure ive had was 30 min bc no one notice d
    and ive had epilepsy for 10 years now it was always un noticed untill 5th grade whel they occured more often my fam thought i was messing but after a eile they got worried i went through 3 MRI's, 7 EKG's, and so far 2 EEG's
    i take lamotrigine (it tast horrible) and i put a huge burden on my fam tbh i wish i never had it but here i am cursed with this medical condition

  3. Ive watch some videos that had flashing lites and i couldn’t breathe for a sec then i looked away fast and now i feel like i am going to have one any sec because i keep thinking about it

  4. I had them when I was very young. I never had a trigger so I never knew when I was going to get them or not. It felt like when your sleep and you don’t dream or like randomly being deaf and blind at the same time. My first one was when I was in the 4th grade and it was embarrassing because I didn’t know what happened. The teacher told my parents and from there at least I knew afterwards “I just had a seizure”. I was on medication & then started having them in my sleep. It lasted about 2-3 years and out of nowhere it just stopped happening. Hope this helps anybody or anybody who have kids with this issue.

  5. Coming from someone with epilepsy I can say I'm glad I've only had the convulsing type of seizures only a handful of times and seem to get petit mal seizures a lot more, and guess I'm one of the unlucky few who still get them as an adult(I'm 22). Although getting petit mal seizures more often means that back in school I guess teachers didn't know jack shit about there being other types of seizures because multiple times I had them in class and actually got punished cause they thought I was choosing to not participate in class a lot of the time

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