1. Good morning Jackie 💗. I’m not familiar with the hemp oil so I appreciate you sharing. I hope it works on your dog 💗. Keep us posted. MUAH 💋

  2. I’ve been using cold pressed hemp seed oil as part of my oil cleansing. I love it. It helps with my skin healing and I think it’s lightening my hyperpigmentation. It’s not CBD, just hemp seed. Still love it.

  3. Hi Jackie.. I love Hemp oil.. I love it as a supplement and I really think it has helped with inflammation in my body.. I did a video about 6 months ago .. (for the benefits on chronic pain) if you havent seen it.. maybe you might like to? lol I am really looking forward to hearing your thoughts once you get a feel for it.. Love you my sweet friend xo

  4. A friend of mine has been using these and all her back and joint pain is GONE! I’m starting it for anxiety and so far so good!! Interesting and promising for so many things!! Keep us posted on the anti aging of it!!!! Love you boo!!!😘😘😘

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