Best Topical Medicine for Pain

In this episode the surgeons discuss what is the best topical medicine for pain. They discuss the components they believe can help control musculoskeletal pain …


  1. Good day, I’ve done my own study on CRD cream. 65 years old, had a lot of persistent pain ( my trade was hell on the body) have always been against hippie pot smokers. But holy hell does that stuff work . Fast , effective, lasts quite a long time.👍

  2. "Best Topical Medicine for Pain. . . .it depends on what's in it." No shit, eh? I'm SO glad for such wisdom. I would never have figured that out all by myself.

    People come here looking for a product recommendation based on your title. How could you not know that?

    If we've been suffering for very long, we're already familiar with active ingredients like menthol, lidocaine and a good number of OTC stuff that either didn't work or other stuff we're tempted to buy . . . when money's available. Nobody's asking you for an endorsement: just a few product mentions that might work better than what we've been using. Most everyone I know with joint or muscle pain is trying to get by as cheaply as possible due to the cost of prescription drugs. THAT is what brought people here. . .and, the reason I stayed to the end of the video.

    News flash,guys!! Prescription drugs are insanely and needlessly expensive. Annnnnd, may not work after all the money's spent! Too bad, eh? Try something else. But, what? Well, it depends on what's in it. Ah. Ok. Great. Bye.

  3. The best topical medicine for pain is trial & error, and what works for you. Alot of natural carrier oils and cosmetic butters are anti-inflammatory. A few worth trying are hemp seed oil, emu oil, sea buckthorn oil, evening primrose oil, tamanu oil, watermelon seed oil, olive oil, kokum butter, shea butter, and ucuuba butter. Essential oils are good too, like hops, helichrysum, blue chamomile, rose otto, neroli, peppermint, or frankincense. Any shop bought products or handmade products containing these ingredients should help ease the pain, but like i said, its trial & error.

  4. I was given Voltaren for very arthritic knees and moderately arthritic hands. Is that a good one for arthritis? I also have had shots in joints, but doctors say I cannot get that anymore as it will cause damage and the pain relief does not last long anymore.

  5. I was born with hyperflexed elbows and double jointed shoulders. I didn’t know this was uncommon until recently. I also have degeneration in C5-C7 of the cervical spine. I’ve seen different types of doctors and chiropractors for pain in my neck, shoulders and elbows for years. What is most painful, though, are my elbows; especially my right elbow (I am left-handed, and yes I work at a desk). I was told the pain was due to bursitis then a carpal-tunnel-like issue in my elbows. I have tried compression sleeves, OTC compounds, ASTYM, … you name it. I was finally referred to a pain clinic and prescribed a topical compound of Diclofenac 2.5%, Lidocaine 5%, Cyclobenzaprine 2%, Menthol 3%, and DMSO 50%. It is not strong enough. The pain is constant though I apply the compound and a few OTC ointments, wear a sleeve, and put a pillow under my elbow. It even interferes with my sleep as I cannot lay on my sides without contorting my arms and shoulders till I am comfortable. I am curious as to what components of the compound can or should be bumped up so I can get some relief. What suggestions of the compound and other alternatives do you have?

  6. "….do you have room for LUNCH?"….Right !??! I used to work with the elderly, and
    the plethora of meds MOST of them take is astounding (annnd, scary!) My Dad is 90 years old and takes TWO meds! Anyway, thanks for the info. I use topical Diclofenac on my VERY arthritic hips, (waiting for a hip replacement), and I think it helps. I was always afraid it had the same negative effects of oral NSAIDS, so it's nice to learn it doesn't. I've tried MANY CBD and THC creams, and I'm glad they help others—but did NOTHING for me!

  7. Here’s my 2 cents worth: Topical creams that I’ve tried and liked:

    Theraworks Foam pump, Relief for joint discomfort and inflammation non-greasy and you can massage it.

    Lidocaine Ointment 5% (prescription) or patches

    Voltaren cream
    Ice Packs for 20 minutes

    A rolling pin, lol Massage from the knee up towards the heart for 4 minutes. Great for knots!
    I just love the great feedback. We learn a lot from them. Alicia

  8. Tell you one thing right now that works very good as a topical solution and it is ketamine cream you rub it into your knees and elbows and shoulders and soaks into your skin and it does wonders much better than CBD oils and all are Biofreeze or being gay

  9. "Best topical medicine for pain" is the name of the video. But after six minutes of talking, they don't actually tell us what drug(s) are beat based on published research or their personal experience. Instead, they tell us things we already know:
    🔸Try a multi-drug approach
    🔸Switch to a different medicine your current one isn't working

  10. I waited and waited finally noticed the vid was nearly ending and not one word of the most effective topical drug. I understand there are many to choose from and for a wide variety of reasons but give me your opinion for a few. Sorry, I'm disappointed.

  11. hey Doc's, Where would say a pain patch like lidocaine specifically go to relieve sciatic nerve pain? I read those nerves come out of the lower back and go to a sheath so to speak forming one or such that leads down the leg. So would the patch go in the lower back region or where?

  12. Don't waste ur time, they don't say anything except to get an anti-inflammatory and a nerve numbing topical. U could make ur own with an arthritis cream and a sunburn cream. I just use Voltaren, and it works. Too bad the funny docs don't bother to really say anything useful.

  13. Ok smartypants (two of you). I have multiple health issues that require me to take many medications. I have fibromyalgia, cfs, collagenous colitis, pernicious anemia, factor v Leiden, and mucous membrane pemphigoid.

  14. The meds I was taking have so many nasty side effects, Dementia was one. I stopped. Used lots of Vicodin. Never tried Fentanyl and don't plan to. Icy Hot was OK. I have some Lidocaine. Afraid of CBD.

  15. Best medicine for pain,,,
    Cant be had. They'd sooner die and burn in hell than risk prescribing a pain reliever.Since those doctors got busted for prescribing pain pills to people who sold them.
    It just goes across the board now.
    To save their reputations, they wont even take a chance.They dont trust their own prognoses. So much for their hypocratic oath.

  16. I don't know if you would consider a transdermal patch to be topical, bit my pain management physician began prescribing Fentanyl for chronic spinal stenosis at L4-L5 as well as severe arthritis of the spine for the past 7 years. He also gives a quarterly injection at the L4-L5 site. Some friends and a couple of other doctors think I shouldn't use the Fentanyl, but without the overall treatment I wouldn't be walking at all. I previously tried other avenues to no avail. I should stress that I am VWRY CAUTIOUS with the Fentanyl.

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