CBD and Anxiety

Are you feeling anxious from schoolwork? Using hemp-derived CBD may help. We explain the difference between CBD derived from hemp versus marijuana, …


  1. Had my first CBD 'joint' last month and I'm a convert, I think for the first time in my life I actually felt fully relaxed. Clear head, not high at all just a ton less stress and anxiety after the smoke, It was CBD weed with <0.2 THC. Not a smoker usually so trying the oil next.

  2. I smoke hemp flower cbd from this local place that grows it here in Massachusetts, depending on the strain it can make you tired,uplifting, relaxed, happy…. it's life changer becuse thc makes me anxious

  3. Found myself getting very stressed at work , started waking and baking and it got rid of the stress, decided it wasn't sustainable being high at work and decided to try some cbd smoke in the mornings , found myself relaxed, not stressed or anxious about the day but crucially sober and not a dope

  4. I moved to California and once I got here it seems like anxiety hit me hard mixed with depression but mostly anxiety. I stay in the house all day, it’s effecting my finances and social life. I had a panic attack on the highway with my sister and freaked out driving had to pull over. I don’t know what to do I never experienced anxiety this bad before. And it all started when I moved to California from the east coast.

  5. I had horrible panic attacks where I felt like I was dying my doctor tried to give me anti depressants that hurt your body n make u dull I thought I was going to have to give in to it until I took cbd now I can live normally forever grateful for this plant

  6. Idk why but I still get high from smoking hemp and I get that feeling of paranoi and uh oh l shouldn’t have done this kinda feel like I do with THC just to a lesser extend but still an ugly feeling to have

  7. I once had a bad experience with weed. I had a panic attack and have not touched weed ever since 2011, but my anxiety kinda messed up now, does this cbd thing really help with anxiety? Will I not get high and have another panic attack?

  8. I want to share my gratitude towards Dr Gboya faji herbal home on YouTube for helping me curing my cancer and having a healthier lungs with just 100% herbal recommendation I fell healthy now

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