CBD, Cannabis And Psychosis

Today we are talking about CBD, cannabis and psychosis and how I’ve used it in patients who may be at risk with psychosis and what to actually avoid. For the …


  1. There’s no definitive evidence nor studies demonstrating that CBD of actually helpful. Remember back in the day all those “studies” saying that smoking didn’t cause cancer? Remember all those MDs saying that cigarettes were safe?

    Take the everything a company says about cannabis with a pinch of salt. Remember they’re trying to sell you sth.

  2. I had psychosis after doing strong CBD oil for the first time. I won’t do it again after that. At first I was laughing a lot like when you smoke pot, but then I started to fade in and out of consciousness and of course a bad panic attack came over me. I went to the hospital and finally slept. I had a dream that I cured the person in the room next to me. They left the hospital as I woke up with no symptoms. The next 12 hours was spent with me having weird thoughts like when I asked my brother where my medicine was and he said it was right beside me, so I looked down and there it was, but I thought that it was only there because I had asked him and that somehow manifested reality. It was a disorganized way of thinking because in reality it was there because he reminded me where it was, so it being there because he said so in that sense was true, but not in the sense of it popping into existence like I was thinking.

  3. I spent a few months off my bipolar medication. Stepped my self down. I was always medicated for it. But when i was off of my medication i would have "psychosis" atleast once a day. The episodes varied in length. I read about CBD as a antipsychotic. It doesnt help all the symptoms of being bipolar but it is for sure an ok antipsychotic. It would make my episodes tolerable. If i felt one coming on i would hit a CBD cart a couple times and would be able to continue with whatever i was doing before the episode. Medication is the best treatment for me though. Its not perfect and its exhausting but it beats dealing with this illness just off sheer willpower alone.

  4. Can CBS be used during a psychotic episode my sister attacked me yesterday and we couldn't get her to stop she had bipolar schizophrenia and sometimes she goes after me or my daughter for no reason at all and she doesn't take xanax but we needed something to calm her down immediately but didn't have anything

  5. What would you say to someone who had an episode of psychosis and was diagnosed as bipolar that wanted to smoke cannabis that had either a 1:1 ratio of THC and CBD or even a 1:2 ratio of THC and CBD.

    would this cause any further psychotic episodes?

  6. Ik maak THC /CBD-olie zelf volgens Simpson methode, sinds de longkanker van mijn oma. Het bleek toen erg lastig, aan THC olie te komen, Ăłf tegen absurde prijzen, Ăłf we kregen een of ander slap aftreksel v/e internetaanbieder, Ăłf we kregen gewoon helemaal niets, nadat we al betaald hadden!
    Omdat ik het zelf maak, weet ik ook zeker dat ik goede olie heb, van daadwerkelijk 25% pure pasta (géén rare toevoegingen en géén leugens over het %THC of CBD, zoals vaak het geval is, bij de massaproductie van internetaanbieders/bedrijven/stichting SuverNuver)

    De overheid zou het daarom meer toegankelijk moeten maken, zodat mensen gewoon niet tegen zulke problemen aan kunnen lopen….

    Zelfs bij de apotheek, durven ze gewoon 180 euro te vragen voor een flesje (wel héél erg verdunde) THC olie!

    Zelf gebruik ik het voor mijn slaapproblemen en mijn partner voor de spierziekte. Het helpt Ă©cht goed.

    Mocht jij ook tegen bovengenoemde problemen aanlopen, of heb je vragen, kun je me altijd mailen: michelentiny@home.nl . wellicht dat ik je kan helpen ermee…

  7. Thank you for your great summary of the findings. This goes hand in hand with similar research I've conducted. Watching you speak is a lot better than reading a boring medical article about it.

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