1. Would love to know how it is going? Iā€™m doing a tone of research on the subject for my 12 year old. I was told by her Nero doc that the Keto diet only works for certain kinds of epilepsy, and you need to follow it to a T…but she also didnā€™t want to give much thought into CBD oil for my kid either. Wishing you all the best. Just make sure to do your homework before changing anything.

  2. I took the oils never really worked for me. I take the capsules now they seem to work. This week I have kept cbd loaded in my system because I normally get seizures during periods and I didnā€™t have one. I got like one second dejavus
    I ordered some gummies now also to try

  3. U should try taking out anything caffeinated and chocolate out of ur food. A doctor once told those things have some ingredient the trigger seizures. U should try it see how that works for u.

  4. If you're interested in trying a different brand I work with a CBD company that offers a full spectrum water soluble CBD oil that is highly bio-available to the body, is organic, non-GMO, 3rd party tested. Our CBD has 50 servings and you take 20 drops a day. Here is the link to the site if you're interested. It is also less expensive and very pure. https://tinyurl.com/y9qf57hz

  5. What dosage are you using for your seizures (mg wise), and how many times are you taking it (not sure if you've changed anything since the release of the video)? I have a history of epilepsy as well and want to use CBD. Thanks for the video!

  6. I know some people that order CBD from a wholesale supplier & get it for much cheaper. They say it's a very good quality, better than the exspensive brands.
    I'm just not sure where they order from. But I would do some research online, or join some of the CBD Facebook groups. That way you can ask around about a lower price.

  7. Hello, I've read on several places that when treating seizures with CBD you should take 100-300mg daily. The lower end of the spectrum 10-50mg is used for treating pain and anxiety. You might want to try the everyday advanced and up your dosage of that.

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