1. I experience agitation and brain fog when I take even the smallest amount. Then I wake up in the middle of the night really out of it like kind of a unreal feeling. This didn't used to happen when I first tired it years ago. Is this something I should push through?

  2. Hopefully you can help. I've had what feels like an allergic reaction or similar.

    The main issue is dry mouth so for a moment, I cant swallow. And breathlessness, which is huge deal. It comes and goes, and every day it's less and less. An awful feeling none the less.

    Most of that breathlessness feeling comes from what feels like a dead weight on my chest and my nostrils feeling blocked, not like the cold but just narrow. Feels like a real effort drawing a deep breath.

    A distant feeling, somewhere between lightheadedness and dizzy.

    So. I took 3 drops under the tongue, as requested on the label. No more after that.

    This was full spectrum stuff too.

    How long will these effects last? (Its been 4 days already)
    And was this natural or am I somehow allergic?

    Thank you.

  3. Its actually not the tryptophan in turkey that makes you sleepy. It's the rush of blood to the stomach from over eating which uses lots of energy. The tryptophan in turkey is barely more than chicken or pork.

  4. Almost threw my bottle out because I’m getting dizziness, light headedness and feel like my eyes aren’t focusing properly. Should I discontinue use?

  5. I have sometimes severe migraine attacks a friend of mine recommended me cbd oil and since I started I noted that the ata s became less frequent it didn't go away but the became less frequent and less severe
    second I suffer from heelspur and specialty when going to sleep my heel realy hurts to the point it doesn't let me sleep now I fall asleep within an hour after going to bed

  6. I took it for only two weeks. In the second week my tinnitus got so much worse. Stopped taking it immediately then I looked it up and every article said this is a side affect for some.

  7. I only took 250 mg and got heavy nausea, diarrhea , and the jitters. To get relief I had to eat ultra strength Tums and Lemons with salt😢 I only had the recommend amount (one normal size syringe that comes with tinctures, maybe less ) and had this affect. Vapor CBD and marijuana causes me to have nausea and racy heart as well but no diarrhea . I am starting to think that marijuana or CBD are just not something that I can stand when ingesting and can possibly only use it topically

  8. My wife is 6 weeks pregnant with our 2nd child and we are strongly considering CBD broad spectrum for her pain. Our first child is healthy and strong. Could ingredients like glycerin be harmful this early in the baby's development?

  9. Do you have to take it daily to get the full benefits? I only want to use it when I have bad anxiety days. I'm doing CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) right now and I'm trying to manage my anxiety on my own and not rely on anything. However I bought some Green Roads CBD oil gummies to carry in my purse in case I'm having a really really bad anxiety day. Any suggestions??

  10. >^..^< Good morning Kathryn, I am wondering if CBD oil is causing me to have dry mouth at night? Have you ever heard of this from others? Any thoughts on this subject? Thank You…..

  11. Thank you for explaining the detox symptoms and why they happen. I started slow with the Gold Label (one serving a day) when I added it to the vape shot I’ve been using daily for a few weeks for my autoimmune diseases. Headaches, increased fatigue, and a little nausea after adding the Gold. In just three days, things are improving a little (except the fatigue). After this video I’m hopeful that once I get past this initial phase that things will steadily improve. Joyful expectations! Thank you, Catherine.

  12. It does I took a 1000mg tincture / 0.5 ml of that. I felt horrible. Dizzy, lightheaded, super anxious. I couldn’t do anything but sleep I was having an existential crisis. It’s not a cure all. It’s not for everyone, just like weed. It has the same symptoms just more body high.

  13. Took CBD for anxiety. Made my anxiety worse. Woke up in the middle of the night heart racing etc. Felt like I was dying. Guess I’ll have to go on meds after all 😔

  14. Catherine, my daughter has epilepsy that is controlled by medication, she also has severe anxiety which is a symptom of the epilepsy and a long family history of anxiety as well. My question for you is, my daughter has oral allergy syndrome and is allergic to raw fruits, vegetables, many other foods but she is also allergic to environmental things like grass, pollen, trees.. I bought cbd oil for her but have been hesitant to start because I fear she will have a reaction. Have you ever heard of anyone having that type of allergic reaction like throat closing up or swelling of the mouth due to cbd?

  15. I’ve been using CBD oil drops for a little over a month and not in big doses either, just a half of a syringe twice a day and I have developed a rash is all over my legs just the front part the backs are clear. The strange thing is the rash seems to look underneath the skin almost like little red dots and they do not itch and I was wondering if this might be a reaction to the CBD or something they are using to clean the product. It seems to be helping with my fibromyalgia pain tremendously along with depression maybe I should stop it for about three days and see if the rash improves I really hate to do this because it is helping so much but I guess that’s the only way to find out or could it be the toxins trying to escape. I dunno 🤷‍♀️

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