CBD Oils: Are There Dangers/Precautions (Pharmacist Perspective)

CBD Oils: Are There Dangers/Precautions (Pharmacist Perspective) Bob and Brad along with guest speaker, Chris the Pharmacist present the dangers and …


  1. Full plant extraction not just cbd will eradicate cancers from the body. It's called Apoptosis. Rick Simpson oil. Now you's know why the corrupt governments made the world's most beneficial plant illegal and keep it in schedule 1 which is a crime on its own so we can't research the plant how it should in this day and age. Ps research on how Jesus used his oils to create miracles ie the cannabis plants oils fact to cure disease etc. Ps nixon created the false war on drugs and has prevented millions of people to have real NATURAL medicines…… 🙄
    The dangers from this plant is it will make you sleepy and hungry the two best things to heal your body.

  2. Topics like this and dedicated discussion really helpe for those who are new or doing research. I'm new here been thinking about trying CBD for severe anxiety and insomnia. I take sleep aide every night for about 12 years now always struggling to fall asleep, will literally fall asleep 8 am to 9 am while taking hours to work. Does this help with insomnia?

  3. I recommend B&B vids every single day: this one popped up on my Home list. I love this discussion. I've tried THC gummies for sleep and CBD oil for sleep/pain. No discernible result from oil in liquid or salve prep. Gummies were GREAT! However, produced more and more residual 'wonkiness' during the day. At day 5 I didn't feel comfortable driving. Sleep was great, however. I'm back to 25 mg benadryl. Since I'm 75 and have had hepatitis, it's possible age combined with some liver 'issues' produced the unusual effects. I'm not willing to take a chance. The discussion of 'strength' variations in tests was interesting. I was reluctant to even try this stuff without knowledge of manufacturer. Until Federal law changes, I don't think it will be possible to standardize these substances. (Calif resident, btw)

  4. I was using queen city hemp and it helped a great deal with anxiety and depression. I was using the cheapest one 40$ and taking either an almost full dropperful or half every day. I stopped because I read that hemp is notorious for pulling heavy metals out of soil. Was trying to learn more about the practices the company I was using and then just quit. I'd like to get back to it but want to find out about heavy metals and the possible liver thing first.
    Something interesting, when I got a higher concentration because they didn't have the lowest, I didn't notice any difference. The lowest concentration worked really good anyway.

  5. Thank you for addressing the risks, and dosages . Myriams hope is a solid company that you can add additional terpenes. They also have a compassion program for people with disabilities and veterans (son is disabled) & saves me 40%.

  6. Here's a few studies that I've heard of…

    1944 the city of New York under Mayor Laguardia did a 5 year study on the effects of cannabis… concluding it doesn't lead to addiction and using marihuana dose not lead to morphine, heroine, or cocaine addiction

    1964 Raphael Mechoulam isolated THC

    1972 The Shafer Commission by President Nixon… Most users young and old demonstrate an average or above average social functioning, academic achievement, job performance…

    1976 the US National Institute of Drug Abuse released a 250 page report which discusses the medical benefits of cannabis… Includes therapeutic aspects, anticonvulsant, antidepressant,antibacterial… reducing nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite in cancers patients (after chemo)… also reducess pain and tumor size in cancer patients….glaucoma, asthma, pain…

    1980 the US National Institute of Drug Abuse released another report…same results.

    1982 National Academy of Sciences…depression, opiates withdrawal, tumors, epileptic seizures…

    1988 the Drug Enforcement Administration…DEA Judge wrote Cannabis is the safest known therapeutic active medicine humanity has… Nearly all medicines have toxic potentially lethal effects but Marijuana is not such a substance.

    1992 Lamar Ondrej Hanus PhD and William Devaney PhD discovered a compound called Anandamide made by our bodies that activates the same receptors that THC activates

    2013 Rylies Law started in Delaware on the summer of 2013 with Rylie Maedler after being diagnosed with bone tumors in her face at 7 years old… a year of only using cannabis oil Rylies condition improved tremendously…Rylies and her Mom Janie decided to change the laws on medical cannabis…

    2017 the National Academy of Sciences…concluded that the legal barriers represent a public health problem.

    Tel Aviv Israel is one of the leading countries in the world on cannabis research…

  7. I suffer from ibs and anxiety and I recently read about the benefits of cbd…. Can anyone here advise me whether I should go for thc-free cbd oil or the one that contains thc as well… I have read that thc can make anxiety worse….

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  9. It sounds like it's a lot safer than most other drugs. I've been doing research on c.b.d. oil and This is the first time I've heard of possible liver damage, provided you go through a dispensary providing a certificate of analysis. I wouldn't buy it at a gas station.

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