Charlotte's Web medical cannabis soon to be widely available to Colorado children

Some children battling epilepsy have seen a drastic turnaround and reduction of seizures after using Charlotte’s Web, an oil made from marijuana plants very …


  1. Be cautious. Sure but we never said that or still won’t say shit about opiud. Which has sold billions of pills. N has killed countless n countless more getting addicted to it. Irony

  2. I live in Virginia we just legalize marijuana here there's been no problems haven't heard about anybody dying from it but these children are suffering and our government knows it why ain't they getting off there lazy fat Rich butts and legalize it to help people who need it it's beyond me so to the government legalize it and then get out of the way and let us handle it we know what we're doing cuz they sure don't

  3. "…allocates TEN MILLION DOLLARS to do that, that's exactly what doctors want to see…" I know doctors are important to society and the well-being of existing in these times, but that's an odd wording. It seems that pharma just wants enough money so that they can give an "expert" opinion and give the stamp of approval. How many times have people been affected by drugs, so-called medicine, prescribed by doctors who get a finders fee for prescribing a drug from a pharma company. There are medicines that help fight illness or infections of sorts, but even still not everything will work with certain people, look at blood types, we are all different and the same. It's an option not the cure, if a patient has a severe illness you give them options, it so happens to be some are CBD.

  4. I wonder why people still spend their money on injections and drugs each time they are sick. Natural herbs can cure all kinds of illness including herpes, diabetes, asthma, HIV, HSV1&2, hepatitis, HPV , Cancer, Fibroids, Syphilis, kidney stone, Epilepsy, Strokes,lungs failure, Sickle.etc. I've seen it with my own eyes. I was cured from Hiv and Fibroid and my aunt and her husband were cured from herpes virus too by DR. Chukwu Madu herbs. He uses natural herbs to cure different kind of virus. Dr. CHUKWU Madu prove to the world that natural herbs can cure all illness and he cured countless people using herbs. I know is hard to believe but am a living testimony. I was diagnose of HIV and Fibroid in 2012 and i believe there is cure even when the doctors said there is no cure yet. I strongly believe in herbs and i came across a comment on a blog written by Lisa Pierre, saying she was cured from HERPES by Dr. CHUKWU MADU and i contacted his herbal home on the email that was provided on the comment and order one for myself and he send it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use it and after i finish taken it i went for checkup and the result shows am Hiv and Fibroid NEGATIVE. The doctor said that the disease is completely gone from my body. There is no harm trying herbs it work perfectly and it has no effect. You can contact Dr. CHUKWU MADU to get yours.. His email is
    WhatsApp num +2347030936239. God bless you sir…

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  6. Cannabis saved my grandfathers life and it saved my grandmothers life, both had cancer, both went into remission after i made them homemade Rick Simpson oil (Phoenix Tears) they were a little drowsy at first, but once we got dosages down, about a grain of rice twice a day, they were both cancer free within 3 months, grandma had leukemia and grandpa had colorectal cancer, i also made suppositories for grandpa made of rick simpson oil diluted in coconut oil and put into plastic straw and frozen over night, dont believe the media, the doctors, the scientists, they are all paid off by the same people, who use them to pump radiation into you! save yourself, for FREE!

  7. My 15 year old daughter suffers from epileptic seizures that are so bad I feel helpless as her mother sheś been given medication to control her seizures but I feel it ain working and her seizures seem to have worsen and sheś having them more frequently Iḿ at my wits end trying to find a solution, it has affected her quality of life unable to attend college it has set us back meanining she can longer go to school she has 8 siblings who help care for her as well. So just watching what this cannabis oil can do gives me some hope not only for me but my daughter. I suffer from arthritis myself and I smoke weed to ease my pain beats the meds Ive been prescribed hands down..This is something I would consider for myself & my daughter if it were legal..

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