City of Sioux Falls to hold lottery for medical marijuana dispensary licenses

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Some businesses wanting medical cannabis dispensary licenses in Sioux Falls will get one step closer Wednesday.

As we’ve reported, the city of Sioux Falls is capping the number of dispensaries in the city at five.

The lottery for those spots happens Wednesday.

This all comes after South Dakota voters approved medical marijuana about a year ago.

Emmett Reistroffer turned in 26 medical cannabis dispensary applications to the city of Sioux Falls on behalf of Genesis Farms.

“Well, I’ve been passionate about this for a long time. I’ve known loved ones who have benefited from medical cannabis and I’ve always seen a need for this in the community,” Genesis Farms founding manager Emmett Reistroffer said.

The city received 79 applications before the window to turn them in closed on Monday.

A lottery for those dispensary applications will happen here in the commission room at city hall.

“We’re going to go through a classic lottery process using, in effect, Bingo balls and we’re going to use a ball cage and we’ll be rolling through and of the 79 applications we’re going to see who the first five that are drawn and we’re going to rank all 79 so that in the event that some are ineligible as we scrutinize the packets then there’s no dispute as to who’s next in line and that sort of thing,” Sioux Falls city attorney Stacy Kooistra said.

Reistroffer will be on hand as the results are revealed.

“I wish everyone the best of luck, and whoever gets it, most importantly I hope that we can get these stores open as soon as possible so people can get medical cannabis,” Reistroffer said.

Kooistra says it’s unknown exactly when dispensaries will be up and running.

The application and licensing fees for a dispensary add up to $75,000, but if you’re ineligible for a license all fees will be refunded.

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