CSU researchers studying effectiveness of CBD for treating arthritis and epilepsy in dogs

CSU researchers studying the effects of CBD in treating pain and other ailments in dogs.


  1. Hi, what a great forum. I'd like to request a prayer for Rick Simpson who have cured my Wife have lung cancer. He was diagnosed about 2 year ago, beat it once and then a few months later it came back in his brain. We have been doing everything possibly, medication wise, and the cancer seems to be immune to chemotherapy and radiation. The doctor talks about this being his last year of life, so I feel like he has lost hope but i didn't. after several online search, I found Cannabis oil so i decided to give it a try and i ordered for it from ( cannabisoilcancercure@gmail.com ), things got better as my Wife started using the oil treatment and to God be the glory I didn't lose my lovely Wife to lungs cancer anymore. So i'm here to share this testimony to the world at large as my Wife has been saved by the Cannabis Oil. I'm so glad! Email Dr. Rick Simpson ( cannabisoilcancercure@gmail.com )>>>>>><<<<<<<<.

  2. CBD is awesome, but have you tried some good kratom ever? For me even way better for pain management, lack of energy and stress. But, the quality makes a difference, farmed one is just not anything like the original wildly grown one. And here in Indonesia we got only one project that sources and supplies real wild grown kratom, name is Borneo Energy, some kind of charity program. More than recommendable! Can find it from borneo.energy

  3. β€œTHC is toxic to pets”

    Haha these people are clueless or just stupid. It’s only toxic if given in human tolerable amounts. Thc and cbd is better than just either by themselves eorven in pets. You just have to find the right milligram or microgram dose

  4. my gsd is on cbd 3000mg it helps Im in no doubt as he is not on any other meds and siezures down from cluster siezures 5 or 6 in a 24 hour period to 1 so far in nearly forty days.

  5. 1: CBD is NOT cannabis, it's derived from the cannabis plant but DOES NOT get you high. 2: There is NO psychotic parts in pure CBD. CBD is actually legal in ALL states, so it's technically not a crime for using it only prescribing it because the FDA doesn't fully cover it (yet). Heck, they even have CBD only dispensaries where you can walk in without any medical marijuana card because CBD is classified as a health food supplement and a power food. I actually had found pet specific CBD at an actual dispensary in Vegas and it works wonders for him. Grantid, it does make him tired but to be fair he is pushing 10 years and is always tired lol it does help with his arthritis pain and his very bad anxiety when people come over, he will non stop bark in the other room at the people lol I gave him some CBD oil in some cheese (cause he's a good boi) cause he was limping pretty bad today. An hour later, he's fast asleep comfortably in my room while the neighbors are in the living room visiting. He's a very good boy! πŸ˜€

  6. My holistic vet recommends it. I've been using CBD (low THC) for undiagnosed pain on my 6 month old puppy (3 vets later and they still don't know what is wrong). It helps him a lot but I don't want to give him too much. I usually give it to him at night so he sleeps better. Too much might cause headaches (I've heard) so start slow and only use organic, high quality or you could make things worse.

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