Impact of marijuana industry 5 years after legalization in Colorado

It’s been five years since recreational marijuana became legal in Colorado. The drug is now an integral part of the state’s economy, politics and everyday life.


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  2. I think my mom owes me money she bet me and now she owes me money and i might have to scalp her because she owes me money and nevef smoked weed in her life! I told her its going to be legal and now she owes me money

  3. Adults can do what they please. Kids are designed to make mistakes, by the Grace of God they will learn and not suffer much damage, but you have decades of proof…it can't be stopped. We are only creating criminals, not responsible and upstanding citizens…pick your poison.

  4. You made it legal so I don't have to buy from shady people! Plus it helps me with alcoholism! Why does the CBS broadcaster look so confused? Sometimes I just want to smack the stupid out of some people!

  5. Why did Harry J Anslinger change the term cannabis to marijuana and who helped him get that message out to all of America? It was called cannabis prior to 1937.

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