Industrial Hemp Solutions

INDUSTRIAL HEMP SOLUTIONS: Jobs, Fuel, Food, Health, Housing, Paper, Textiles, Auto Parts, Livestock Feed are all possibilities of this miracle plant.


  1. We in the US should have followed Henry Ford's dream we would have saved people and the planet a lot of grief but other people stamped it out to sell their toxic and destructive products

  2. Hemp should be legal in all states of America and same goes for the rest of the Earth. Hemp is healthy it should be part of what people consume, hemp in soups and in stews and cooking etc. We can get so many important nutrients from the hemp seed and we can also get CBD for peoples endocannabinoid system. Healthy Hemp, Heal Thy Hemp 🙂 . Thank you for caring and sharing and helping to raise awareness for the benefits of hemp plant and seeds. Peace, love and truth.

  3. This plant would really help the poor people that are addicted to all these drugs that are financially crippled that our alcohol dependent cannabis helps like a crutch to get off those horrible substances that ruin families cannabis does no such thing and there’s no reason why United States citizens can’t grow it and sell it so hurry Up congressmen

  4. But there is a little bit of a problem prohibiting the legalization of hemp. Blacks. They've been arrested for it so long. Removing it as a legitimate reason for an arrest can bring lawsuits in the hundreds of billions of dollars against the American government who incriminated it based on racial non scientific grounds.

  5. It is not at all that simple with the disappearance of the plant. Other than that, it is just a fantastic information packed with proper facts.. still it would be a huge step for humanity, if the US acknowledge the involvement in the prohibition and admit to be the nation who brought oil plastic and lots of other harmful stuff to our world. To now whistle and not even mention the history is typical for that country. Therefor it would be a huge step as I said earlier…

  6. The point the woman made comparing poppy seeds to hemp was NO GOOD. The poppy seeds on your bagel will make you fail a drug test. You can plant them and grow opium you can get high with. Hemp you cannot get high from. She made a horrible analagy.

  7. The only reason hemp was made illegal is because it competes with the ; paper, timber, concrete, plastic, oil , pharmaceutical, and alcohol industries. Hemp is FAR superior to any other crop as far as environment, product, and farmer profit

  8. It looks like the American populace has been duped for years this could compete with big oil and that is why they killed it the oil companies do not want any competition it would force prices down.

  9. Serbia is ready for hemp revolution as well, we have over 250k ha ready to grow hemp right now but this revolution is very slow over here but we hope that we will be side by side with big producers in the world soon. If somebody who is interested to grow industrial hemp in Serbia can contact me here. Wish You all green planet

  10. More and more states are legalizing or decriminalizing MJ as of 2019. A lot of the anti-hemp laws were supported by the cotton and timber barons of the day. Ditto for Prohibition. The oil barons did not want competition from alcohol based fuels. Follow the money and you will see why politicians say and do the things they do.

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