1. I have tremors in my hands for some reason, my mom says might be parkinson's but remember a doctor telling me a while back it was due to anxiety, I'm gonna be getting koi CBD vape juice, hopefully it works :/ I hate having shaky hands

  2. Joe needs to do more stuff like this, which he did before he went political. Shame because he had so many interviews that were interesting; he still does, but it's no where near as frequent as he once did.

  3. I have HIGH anxiety and sleeping issues and all my shrink would do would do: Write a fucking script. Holy shit. All the years, Prozac and others have done to my mind have nothing to compare to other products. But I have a tracking code for some sublingual CBD I hope Monday evening is going to be interesting

  4. My CBD oil recipe:
    4-8 oz hemp flower (Various Strains work best)
    8-12 oz Coconut oil.
    Crockpot (Low Setting)
    Decarb Bud in oven for 1 hr at 250
    Grind, put in Crockpot with oil for 6-12 hrs, strain and enjoy.

  5. So only Hippie's play hackey sack wtf..do some research before you make yourself look like a šŸ¤”alot of skaters I know play hackey sack it's actually called a footbag and it's actually a Sport ever heard of "IFPA" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Douchebag

  6. So how do u take it and how much? Do u put like 10 drops of oil under your tongue? Or eat a bunch of capsules or gummies….been really wanting to try it for sleep/anxiety and substance abuse. Just not sure how to go about it….

  7. Cbd helped me walk again to I was losing feeling in my left leg from a lower back and hip injury from a car accident so I started smoking CBD for the pain cuz I refused to take pain prescriptions šŸ’ÆšŸ’ŖšŸ¾ CBD works for real

  8. Hate living in the uk you canā€™t get any with thc in it šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø my mother has crohns and it would help her so much

  9. 'None of them smoke weed' [talking about 'these old folks'] – You have read about the '60s have you sonny? Anyone toking in the '60s and still alive is a weed smoker. It's just that we have medical problems like chronic pain and glaucoma now to treat with it. Plenty of today's tokers are past 80 and still truckin!

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