Large crowd of protesters returned to the Melbourne’s CBD against the Government and vaccine mandate

A large crowd of protesters returned to the Melbourne’s CBD today to protest against the Andrew’s Government Huge crowd protests in Melbourne against vax …


  1. I'm happy your resisting but, Protesting isn't enough, those in power has to go! Every single one of them!

    They will not STOP pushing these clot shots UNLESS they die. Let's all TEAM UP and fight them!!!!!!
    These EVIL people know better.

  2. I support all people who are aware of the bullsh*'t we are being told…
    Open all, let the virus do its work, protect those who are ill or weak.

    If most people receive it we are safer than possible with any vacc…
    Its not much worse then a huge influenza pandemic

  3. Standing with all others worldwide who also stand for freedom: we choose liberty as the Creator made us free and creative. No bullies will change the Creator's gifts or glory; thanks be to God, however you understand that Infinite Source of All Being

  4. The institutions & Government by a large majority represent the IMF-NWO corporate book of the dead, they hold no lawfull authority…
    They are a crime syndicate that has destroyed the Commonwealth little by little, Telstra, Qantas, Westgate bridge to name but a few…
    They sold the Australian people up river for a song into an institution that deems itself above all laws…
    AKA, the anti Christ…
    These criminals own all the debt and need to be stripped from all their wealth for redistribution…
    Not once did the people within this Commonwealth consent to anything via an open referendum as required by Constitutional law & authority…
    Most sheople cannot grasp this, this corporation relies purely on fabricated approval ratings by it's own generation…
    All it needs is to maintain that illusion of a 50.1% + approval rating…
    They signed all those deals & agreements unlawfully, then selling the principles with deception & trickery…
    The great reset, you'll own nothing but debt (to them) and boy, will they be happy…
    Re my signature emoji's…

  5. The treasonous government will be brought to justice along with their dicusting complicit main stream media. Good times ahead with much smaller governments who serve the people. A new world order.

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