LEGAL WEED: AZ Legalizes Recreational Marijuana, Lines Wrap Around the Corner

The Arizona Department of Health Services on Jan. 22 approved licenses for 73 facilities to begin selling recreational marijuana. Proposition 207 was approved …


  1. Went to mint dispensary got 2 nice bags of cali orange and mumbles

    Glad it's legal in az still crazy can just go buy it now

    Weed really helps my anxiety insomnia

    Hope lines cool down in a few weeks that part fing sucked 3 hr wait

  2. And to think south Carolina was all excited when tattoos were legalized 5 years ago, another 20 years they may allow alcohol to be sold in all counties and maybe even have stores open on Sunday

  3. Can u imagine how many babies are going to be born addicted and deformed mentallyphysically or both? Just like the crack babies. .

  4. Would you want slow thinking potheads to run ur company? All slow thinking idiots. That's what dems want….folks They can control.

  5. When Prohibition finally gets Repealed; the State yanks the rug from beneath some two-bit thugs who were street-dealing the low-mid grade with seeds. Legalization and lawful dispensaries eliminate illegal grows in forests by Mexican cartels & they have to be upset today… The downside is there will now be 'shooting fish in a barrel DUI's per the interpretations of individual officers who will rate 'the slightest detectable trace as a DUI offense.

  6. it's like when legalized betting and gambling were first spreading, first one state and then another, the taxes a state government could collect start looking to good to pass up.

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