LGE 2021 | Possible post-election violence in Durban CBD: William Gumede & Sandile Swana

Residents of Dalton Hostel in Umbilo in Durban CBD have gone on the rampage on Thursday night, in what appears to be post-election violence. For more …


  1. No need for the Security to be present, mzansi is fixing itself back to a real Rainbow Nation. ANC has leaded too long without recognition of the diversity around itself. The Home lands, SA Indians, Khoisuns and SA whites where never in the plans of anc and they have stopped voting during Present Mbeki. its the main reason we will have 5% voters in the next 5years elections. ANC leaders builded a bad habits of entertainment arrogantly fast, thanks to the leadership of anc. Now, we are really a diversified nation of SA .Respect this changes – grow but otherwise we'll be 5% voters in 5years and only then you will see a real fight.
    2 party state will be a better option in My Opinion and Views on the election 👉 👈

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