Marijuana: Heavy Users Risk Changes to Brain

A new study finds that heavy marijuana use by adults could have long-term effects on the brain. What kinds of effects? WSJ’s Jason Bellini has #TheShortAnswer …


  1. I recently have been cutting back on all vices that I (personally) deemed as a detriment. What I can say is that of all the vices, sugar/junk food was the absolute behemoth of depression/anxiety/brain fog. To be fair smoking a lot late at night and eating a ton of food without even thinking about it was definitely part of it. Moderation is key! I still love cannabis and junk food, you can trick your brain by telling yourself and others, “I haven’t quit I’m just taking a break”. Next thing you know it’s been a couple months to a year and you won’t feel so bad. It’s when you make the change and dwell on it that makes you crave it more. Just enjoy it and put it down if you feel the need to.

  2. Funny how there's studies all over the world stating the exact opposite. It makes middle aged men's minds sharper. They also have studies out now showing it repairs lung tissue as well. These alcohol/tobacco lobbyists are doing everything they can to keep their market cornered.

  3. Been a daily user for pver 12 years. Smoking blunts like 2 times a day.

    I work, take responsibility and handle my business.

    I was on meth for 3 years str8. Was even a drunk lol. When i was on those other things i didnt care about working. Making money or taking care of business. All i got to say lol lets see studies on alcohol now please.

  4. Should be treated like medication and only used when needed…way more productive and motivated when not consuming THC…smoking messes your lungs up,teeth…etc…should be treated like Alcohol….its not food,oxygen,..shouldn't be consumed daily!!

  5. I've been smoking it daily from the age of 14, I'm 55 now and STILL SMOKEN, I've smoked many strains and grown it, I own my own house out right and everything else I own, I have 100% credit rating, I function normal as, I'm very social and loving life. This plant has been in societies for thousands of years and beneficial in many ways before America came along and F&$ked it for everyone, then after watching this, they still are, the only crime with this plant are the laws against it and it's victimisation!!!

  6. Hate me if you want and no I didn't get it from " other substances" but marijuana enduced psychosis IS a thing and no it don't happen to everyone but it has to me…

  7. How have so many people struggled with quitting pot? I stopped multiple times like it was nothing. Picked it back up a couple years later for a little bit then right back off of it. This is not addictive like tobacco or heroine.

    I loved how creative it made me, but i didn't like feeling sleepy all the time. Plus driving during a snowstorm at night was fun, like driving at lightspeed 🤣

  8. I believe it i smoked for 35 years ironically i use to defend it against other contraban.But it effects people differently. I have met people that can stay sharp on it and some that cant hold a fluent conversation or get psycho violent parinoid and get locked up
    Other factors like childhood development and prior head injuries etc come into play

  9. I've smoked 2 grams plus, everyday for the last 15 years. Had a full time job since I left school, refused to be signed off when the Wu flu hit, I make more than atleast half my friends, and I have enough money saved to not work for a year and be more than ok.
    I'm not against people drinking/doing coke/meth, what ever you wanna do, you do it, you just gotta keep your habits habits, not let them rule your life!!
    People need encouragement and help, when alot of people will look at them as wasters or low life's. Yes there are folk who just wanna get high on H and die, but some don't, some want a better life, some want to go back to the event that caused the issues and never do it/go there.

  10. I never smoked weed. The reason is that I have struggled with quitting cigarettes many times. I figured that if I smoked weed I wouldn’t care and would go back to cigarettes. The is no way that weed is worse for you than nicotine.

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