Marijuana Use – Ten Tips for How and Why to Quit

This video presents 10 tips for why not to smoke marijuana, and how to quit if you do. These health recommendations are based on expert clinical research …


  1. Honestly I don't have any issue with smoking but it's hurting my relationships with my old man so I'm quitting from today. I'm here looking for motivation to keep me going on the next few weeks which I know are not going to be easy

  2. I'm going to call it right now with how much bumbling through medical terminology this guy's doing: either this guy's the most dyslexic doctor on the planet, or more than likely he's not actually a doctor and just some random guy making an opinion piece. If he is a real doctor, I feel bad for everyone that works with him because half the time they probably don't know what he's talking about and need to correct him.

  3. I am trying to quit again today. I always experience the worst side effects from any substance I do. I have felt shaky all day, lost my appetite, and im experiencing a lot of anxiety about wanting to smoke and now, having to dealing with the concept of not being able to anymore (seems simple enough but there is so much pain I have avoided and it all comes flooding in) Iā€™ve only been smoking regularly about a year. Hopefully I can stop because it has held me back so much. Good luck everyone with their own sobriety. All we need to do is stop doubting ourselves and know that we can do it!

  4. Hi doc

    I've somoked Marijuana a long lerof of my live everyday.. 7 ears…because I was thinking it works from me to let me with creativity.
    I earned more than 30k in one year … people all the time they were adore me..
    I know I have another or more issues , but weed seems it was working.
    I abused other substances too after 5 ears..I started to do not like the smoke so much and I was so used.. eventide I smoked I felt normal. Bnter version of me.

    Now after all this weed and experiences with other substances too, in my humble opinion.. my body and mind can be fully functional, with serotonine and dopamine without onther legal pills ?

    I'm on therapy since few years, and I've just tried to do my best .. to live happily and finish stuff happily.. but not I found it hard to smoke.
    I got anxiety and I can't control easy human interactions . I get to a anxious..

    I'm in process to quit.. but I use sleeping pills. Is not worst ?

  5. Daily smoker for 15 years +. I just gave myself a reality check and didnā€™t like what I was seeing. Been sober for a month and can not see myself going back to my old ways. The first couple of weeks was tough but I got through it because I was just done with it. To all thatā€™s trying to quit, you can, and youā€™ll thank yourself for doing so!

  6. For a doctor this guy is a clown crazy how doctors narratives change on the legality of marajuna how does weed have more cancer causing compounds then tabbaco last time I checked my bud donā€™t got benzene in it

  7. I'm five months clean and honestly it can still be hard. I don't miss the effect it had on my life but I struggle not having that reward after work and the gym. Smoked for over ten years and been cold turkey since I quit.

  8. Been smoking the old weed everyday for 8 years now. Time to quit i don't even get stoned or enjoy it as much as I use to. I had a week of in June n I felt more high not smoking it so duckit I'm quitting or at least going to try peace out

  9. šŸŒ¹ I QUIT! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS VIDEO! AND IF YOU READ THIS, YOU ARE A SERIOUS PERSON WHO CLICKED ON THIS VIDEO TO REALLY QUIT. PLEASE, BE THAT PERSON! šŸŒ¹I was depressed cuz I lost 6 jobs since highschool etc, not so good contact with my home etc cuz really bad things has been going down since age 11. Things so dark that very few can imagine. Later found out that it was not a good enough reason to bring myself down 20 levels more.. NOTHING IS!
    So.. I decided to try this out once when I got olderā€¦ (now 24 years old). Iā€™ll never do it again cuz I realized that not having control of the moment and really the thing of relying on something to become a better me in that way, was wrong. And I knew that I would be 100 times better without it when wanting to reach goals. Step by step-goals. Nothing to rush, just accept the moments but know that youā€™re not parked. Youā€™ll be on the good path again, if you only let yourself. I tried it once and I felt at first like I was in panic cuz I had no control. Everything went spinnin crazy, my legs went cold af and heavy af and everything around me was just so.. unreal. The ground felt like it was something to bounce on, like gravity and things that I was walking on.. was just like a trampoline.. It might sound like a funny walk in the park but I assure you all. It was not. It felt scary, weird and darkā€¦ like everything around me had come to an end and that I was the reason.. thoughts you cannot control pops up. It was very unpleasant. Eyes started hurting and changing color and I felt like I just dropped 10 more levels down by experiencing all those things and 100 more thingsā€¦ how could I do this to myself and those around? Everything was just so unreal. Therefore I will quit. Because I am real and want something better for myself and those around. I guess itā€™s a mindset and something you really set your mind on, and it can be done. And youā€™ll be happy about the results! I guarantee. May you find the strenght to get you through what ever the fakk you in right now. A few pit-stops here and there must be respected and accepted without pushing yourself lower by letting something else get control over you. There is enough in life that you canā€™t control around you. Most things in life that is defined as a problem does take time to solve and fix, I know. But donā€™t do yourself the favor of letting something else control you even more! You matter just as much as the next man/girl! Feel your choices, never let anything take control over you. I mean it. You are far too worthy and precious. Unique cuz we are all different and has our roles to play. Please make yours the best you possibly can. You owe it to yourself and those around. Best of luckā™„ļøā™„ļø

  10. How about edible marijuana? I feel this is a way to escape the lung damage while getting some of the benefits. Higher doses are problematic but small micro doses work wonders for many former Cannibis smokers.

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