Medical cannabis and epilepsy | our views and what next?

Sam Mountney, Epilepsy Action Senior campaigns and policy officer, talks about medical cannabis, our views and where we want to go next. Follow Epilepsy …


  1. I know that I ones doubted herbal medicine even Dr Madida, so is everyone I believe  but right now I don't longer doubt it again especially the herbal medicine from Dr Madida on YouTube which cured my idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

  2. Hi, i was subscribed epilem as a 22 year old male who just recently got a seizer after 14 years of not having one.
    I have massive side effects such as dizziness. What is your thoughts on epilem?

  3. smoking it doesnt work as well as cbd oil…been there done that. 25 years now. feel free to email me Ive never been this seizure free before, diet is also very important. currently taking Carbamazepine with 2 drops of dagga oil at night. I make it myself and it works like a bomb. you wont believe the things you mustnt eat though. email me, I'll share with pleasure.

  4. In comparison to levetiracetam (keppra), cannabis is more effective w/ no Keppra rage, no constipation, proper diet, open mindedness, creativity, less headaches, and exercise w/o worry of a break through seizure @ least 4me anyway. Last breakthrough seizure labor day 2018 and only because of extreme heat, overworking and tons of police so I couldn’t smoke a joint. Prior, 3-4 years seizure free since using cannabis. Looking back as a teenage and family history, I was always a candidate epileptic but I smoked cannabis w/ friends & never had a seizure while my brother had them. When I stopped in. 02 & mom died in 08 is when my seizures started. Trust ur gut . Drs don’t know everything. Look at Covid19. Cannabis may prevent that as well. I’m not a dr but cannabis works for me🙏👍👍👍

  5. It’s just crazy to me that ppl will b uncomfortable with thc getting u high when prescription pills they give u can really get u high so y be so scared of a plant

  6. I’ve just been diagnosed with epilepsy following several seizures.
    It’s interesting that cannabis based meds are only considered as a last resort.
    I’m reluctant to take any more pharmaceuticals (I have another chronic condition) and would much rather try the most natural options first.
    I live in Scotland, does anyone have experience in getting a hold of cannabisg based meds?

  7. Thanks to Dr ODIN who cured me from HERPES with his herbal medicine contact him on WhatsApp or whatsap +2348139424847 May God continue to bless you, for help on similar diseases like HIV AIDS,HEPATITIS,ASHMA, CANCER,BAD DREAM,SPIRITUAL HUSBAND CHILD PROBLEM, ULCER AND MANY MORE.

  8. I have Epilepsy weed helps me with my Epilepsy God made it and it is safer then man made medication I smoke when I feel i might have a seizure. I take my medication ok not just weed

  9. ive been having seizures since 2011. I have been on every seizure med that the neurologists could think of, one of them I found out the hard way that im allergic to. before I quit taking the meds, I was on 1500mg of kepra everyday. i asked my neurologist about cbd oil, and he told me it was b.s. so i quit taking kepra and all meds all together. i started taking cbd oil in july 2019 50mg a day and it cut my seizures by more than half. there were days i would have up to 20 a day. now i have around 2 or 3 a week. i was a huge skeptic before, but now im a believer. i use procana cbd oil gel capsules that are 50mg each. its close to 100 a month but its worth the cost.

  10. I've smoked weed when I was 13 through 17 I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 11 and I think it does help because it's happened less frequently than it was when i was 11-13

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