Medical Marijuana and Parkinson's Part 2 of 3

This clip is from the feature documentary “Ride with Larry” and shows retired police captain Larry going through the process to purchase medical marijuana for …


  1. They didnt even card him :O .. i kid i kid but seriously i firmly believe that weed as differrent effect for everybody.. and beside were not talking about crack here right.. there should be a clear difference.. if i cant smoke my pot to have a nice night listening to music and chilling with some friends doing NO harm but living a bit of joy.. well no one should be able to drink alcohol… and the ultimate worst time i had with weed doesnt come CLOSE to the least worst of my experience with alcohol, now maybe were built differrent, maybe we have differrent way to process it but, ultimately my point is, if alcohol is widely sold and totally legal, then weed should ALTEAST have equal rights, now its only logical that weed still shouldnt be smoked while driving, thats just common sense.. but cmon now its 2021.. we need to move forward, instead of blocking and censoring everything, they should provide ways to educate common folks so they can make their own choices while being well informed, now i'm a bit biased against hard chemical drugs.. to me thats shit nasty, i never tryed it, and i will never touch it, so it might be the best feeling ever but.. the downs seems quite horrible, ill say this, weed, alcohol, coffee , you can be addicted to pretty much anything.. but everything is better with moderation, anyway thats my rant, have a nice day yall

  2. $3,000 to fill up, $250,000 then a new battery $80,000 wow. I’m a Conservative but god am I glad I live in the U.K. where we have single payer healthcare. The vast majority of Conservatives here want single payer tax based healthcare. I get private healthcare with work too (free) which only really helps with elective surgery etc as the wait times for elective surgery can be up to 3 months, normally less but can be. For things like Parkinson’s & cancer there are no wait times as with all emergency care and life threatening care all being done straight away. A prescription fill up here would’ve cost £10.00 but for many with life threatening disease or ailments the cost is free. So prescriptions only cost if you’re earning a certain amount and for prescriptions like antibiotics or asthma for example at the flat rate of £10. A lot of diabetics get their epi-pens for free etc. The treatment he had would be free and done straight away and the battery free too, well not free but we pay national insurance at a rate of zero up to about $275 a week and any earnings after that at 11%. We then have a standard tax at 20% up to $70,000 with the first $17,500 personal allowance that’s not taxable. So $17500-$70,000 at 20%. Then earnings over $70,000 at 40%. so if you earn $80,000 only $10,000 will be at 40%

  3. I am going to be studying medicinal plant chemistry at Northern Michigan University this coming year. This video solidified my need to help patients. I was brought to legitimate tears. Thank you for sharing.

  4. It should be available for every adult. I'd like to see responsible and well informed seller, like the one in this video. A lot of Coffeeshop I visited in the Netherlands, were like dark, run down pubs – well, a lot of them were fun. I would prefer a system like the Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC) in Spain, were you become a registered member an enjoy or buy Cannabis strains there. Now, that would be for THC-Cannabis users, that want to get HIGH. There is nothing wrong with that. Cannabis may not be healthy to Hardcore-users, but they should be adults or at least 16, which is the age you are allowed to buy beer&wine over here in Germany – a country that accepts to sell liquor at Autobahn-shops and people vomiting in front of Oktoberfest-tents. Compared to alcohol, cannabis is pretty harmless. So why not sell it at specialized shops?
    Medical patients like Larry should get it with a prescription at every drugstore and the health insurance should pay for it – that's what it does or at least starting to do over here in germany. Good luck, Larry!

  5. Oh wow they portion it out right in front of you in California instead of it being pre portioned and sealed like people get it in other dispensaries? If so, that’s pretty cool 😯

  6. Omg this is so wrong!! That is absolutely criminal in every aspect. The money you pay for "medication" is disgusting who ever is responsible should be ashamed and sentenced to a life experiencing parkinsons themselves, the ones in charge are evidently extremely cruel and merciless, i wish you all the best Larry and you have my support. Jamie

  7. What kind of marijuana though? In the other videos says to rub a drop in his cheek and tongue. My grandma has Parkinson's and we have tried tinctures and extracts with no avail! Should we move to vape? Etc? Please answer!

  8. What do you mean we don't know what happens in Parkinson's?  We know what happens, we don't know the why of it.  The cells that produce dopamine die.  THC is not a dopamine analogue.  It works for symptoms, not the underlying problem.

  9. Hey my names is Yves , I hope you doing fine . I would like to share with you how we cure Parkinson through oxygene.

    Just check this testimonial from my youtube channel from the link below
    and if you have any question , feel free contact me and you more than welcome to check my facebook page as well.

  10. Well its clear why the pharmaceutical corporations don't have interest. But the reason why public opinion is split is because of government bullshit education in health class and anti-drug commercials for those people programmed to be further programmed by legislation and curriculum.

  11. I saw him walk in thay place and I went wow this is a nice place, then I saw the dipshit with the underlip soulpatchand a roll with me shirt and went see this is why no one takes us serious

  12. I don't use it, but my boyfriend of almost 15 years has PD. He is at a stage where I believe the meds have stopped working and he is not able to walk easily or bend. He has a certificate or license to legally buy marijuana from his doctor, but he doesn't. I don't know why not as he is "familiar" with it. I wonder if he would fall after using it? I think it would be like being "drunk"/

  13. Larry, I sure hope that you are getting the medicine that you need. The difference that it made for you is a miraculous! It made me cry. We are winning! Congress is even questioning why marijuana is classified as a 1 on the drug scale….they have it higher over heroine and crystal meth….are you kidding me? Good luck!

  14. He seems to have some type of cerebral palsey rather than PD. Has this man been correctly diagnosed in the first place. I have a family member with later stage PD and she is completely different presentation to this gentleman??

  15. I have been to dispensaries that the people who ran it were absolutely horrible and its nice to see someone that is kind enough to take the time to help this man because he definitely needs this medication. This dispensary is very nicely maintained. Most of the ones I know are sooo ghetto. I personally did not feel comfortable with most of the ones I went to. Lets just say they were not to much into appearances. Thats putting it very nicely. Very nice people and patient service.

  16. Did she just say $3,000 fucking dollars per refill. FUCK THE BIGPHARMA!! Y'all should be lined up and shot for treachery to the people. That's a fucking crime!! QUARTER OF A MILLION FOR A MEDICAL PROCEDURE!?!? Those doctors should be shot and the hospital burned down along with the insurance companies liquified and owners executed.

  17. I want to point out an important fact, to anyone who is not familiar with PD. Dyskinesia in NOT a symptom of PD, but a side-effect of PD drugs. So we are talking about the possibility to use cannabis to counteract a side-effect of another drug, we are not talking about dealing with the symptoms of PD directly, nor with "treating PD." Currently, there is no pharmacological treatment for PD. The best, most effective interventions are the ones that use MOVEMENT as medicine. SO MOVEMENT can be discussed as a "treatment", and it can go hand-in-hand with pharmacotherapy, so that both interventions aim toward reinforcing the possibility to move MORE and BETTER.

  18. I may be grossly wrong, but this doesn't look like Parkinson's Disease. In Parkinson's, the symptoms are mainly tremors, rigidity and bradykinesia (slowness of movements). The speech is usually soft and monotonous. 'Mask-like facies' are often seen, describing little facial expression, as if the person is wearing a mask. The tremors are usually observed in the hands, and are classically described as 'pill-rolling', and are worse when the person is at rest (not concentrating or engaging in tasks). The gait is often unsteady, and the person tends to shuffle the feet while walking, often described as the shuffling gait. Posture is stooped. They often have difficulty turning around in one smooth turn, and has to 'turn by numbers'.

    This gentleman's symptoms are hence very atypical to that of Parkinson's. He has a lot of facial expressions, often contorted, suggestive of a dyskinesia (different from bradykinesia). His hands exhibit frequent involuntary, non-purposeful movements suggestive of choreiform movements instead of the classic pill-rolling tremor. His gait appears slightly unsteady without the walking stick but it isn't shuffling in nature. In fact his strides are quite wide and smooth. Likewise, his movements, although appearing non-purposeful, are rather quick, in contrast to the slow movements observed in Parkinson's disease.

    I say this based on the patients I have seen with Parkinson's Disease. However, I do not specialise in neurology or movement disorders, so correct me if I am wrong.

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