1. New York Medical Marijuana is the most overpriced garbage… there need to be death penalties to punish this kind of corruption. Death is the only proper punishment.

  2. We don't know if it works? What is this guy talking about? You might as well have said we don't know if grass is green. Substituting an addiction for an addiction? Cannabis is not addictive. Literally everybody knows this. The guy is a doctor?

  3. The reason it’s getting attention is because it’s a organic plant 🪴 with wonderful benefits it is curing a lot of stuff from cancer to health problems it also is ending the war on drugs and getting people back to there loved ones and family that have been 🔒 locked up for small piitty crimes cannabis was only mad illegal because of racism and cruel actions against Africa America this has been a problem for years that we have been told lies from school as a kid to adulthood this is long over due and needs to be fixed everywhere I’m for full cannabis legalization worldwide it should be taxed and the revenue used to help families and fundings as well as schools education roads housing for family’s free health care free programs to help families in need all would be available if they would stop the old habits of thinking for themselves they need to think fo the people anyway CONGRATULATIONS New York can’t wait to see what state is next to fully legalize recreational Illinois has made over 780 billon dollars and the tax at 10% goes to the state and city’s to help people

  4. Ive been on both sides of the coin. Opiates will ruin your life if you let them! Cannabis at worst you end up on your couch watching a movie while eating pizza. I cannot begin to tell you what this cannabis plant has done for me! Big pharma certainly does not want to hear this and they will be throwing massive amounts of money at trying to keep cannabis illegal! In my opinion cannabis is NOT addictive..you dont see people robbing their family and friends and possibly a bank or pharmacy to acquire cannabis it just doesnt happen!

  5. “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light,” said Jesus.

    If today you hear His voice harden not your hearts. Now is the time to be saved!
    Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.

  6. What is so sad is, that while the public gets to enjoy cannabis recreationally, government employees are still not allowed to utilize it MEDICINALLY ❕❕❕
    Imagine being denied medical access because the government is your employer!
    Legalization protects the NATION ❕❕❕

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