"Meeting her for the first time" Lily's Story (Cannabis for Kids, Part 3) | National Geographic

Sarah and David Rowland’s daughter Lily began having seizures when she was just six months old. Diagnosed with a severe case of epilepsy, she continued to …


  1. An interesting thing has happened over past few weeks. We make our own whole plant oil. Recently(a few weeks back now) our female akita(dog) had a seizure. It was actually quite scary so I can only imagine what it is like for parents with their young children having seizures. I digress… We started giving our girl(fifi) some of our oil… We use coconut oil as a carrier oil. We give it to her twice a day… She comes almost running for it. Her seizures now have just about gone… Think she may have had 2 or 3 since… But not only that… There has been another affect.
    When female dogs are spayed they quite often lose control of their bladder and as a result tend to "leak" urine without knowing. We had her on a product called urillin.. Think that's how it's spelt… At around $130 every couple of months. I got to thinking and asked my wife.. When was the last time she had given fifi her urilin? She said oh I haven't given her that in ages. Interesting because she is no longer leaking…
    Oil is magic.. From a plant that just keeps on giving…

  2. As a parent, we would do anything for our children. Everyone deserves a chance to enjoy what life has to bring. In some cases, we have to be open to any other possibilities.

  3. So happy you saw thro the pharma hype to give your beautiful lilly a life,,
    I would like to suggest you take her to ride ponies ,this is a unique thing that can help her with her speach ,,and help her catch up on her balance skills ,
    Ask any horse therapy school they can tell more ,,but she's so beautiful and precious, it's worth the effort. Because it's the perfect cross crawl exercise,,

  4. When the government try everything to make cannabis illegal but charge you thousands to buy their opioids you know there's something wrong.

  5. Gee Wiz! Big Pharma can't steal from the people. Cannabis is a weed. Your Immune system is MADE OF CANNABIS.
    Your Brain produces CBD. All Doctors know this. Big Pharma wants to kill the children so they can get RICH.

  6. It helps me with other pain us muscle spasms and joint aches. It is isn't just for seizures. It also helps with loss of appetite and chronic pains. Without the damage to liver like other medical prescriptions. There is always an effect to medicine. Cough syrup causes drowsiness. So what if this makes you sleepy or happy…..SO WHAT!

  7. Nice video and very informative and very entertaining and very satisfaction more videos.

    Read Isaiah New Testament Exodus it shall give you stability and confidence I didn't try to convert you.

    Read our true history after you read your true history just trying to help.

    Do steam bath and growing medicine just trying to help.

  8. All the hippies of the 60 ,70 ,80's who smoked this stuff are probably on wall street or Bank executives ,lawyers . There 's your research.

  9. When you realize that the ONLY reason marijuana was made a schedule 1 was to undercut hemp farmers and boost cotton sales…. Political corruption strikes again… Absolutely criminal to KNOW this plant helps children with NO side effects and still fight it's legalization.

  10. I know a mother whose son had frequent episodes of severe epilepsy. Several years ago, she followed a neighbor's advice and boiled marijuana leaves and let her son drink this tea regularly. She said that this greatly reduced the frequency and severity of her son's epilepsy, so that her son was able to go to school. Her son is now in high school. After watching this video, I am wondering if her early intervention stopped deterioration of her son's brain and allowed him to function normally and go to school.

  11. Nice to see she takes her meds. Girl clearly knows she needs the oils to be mostly free from her seizures! Gorgeous girl definitely enjoys the freedom the oils give her from her seizures!

  12. I had extreme anxiety. I got a basket of different pills for it, but my hair started falling out from the medicine. I didn't really want to smoke but all of sudden I'm at the park with my family again. I'm camping. I'm going to the big store again and I'm comfortable! I'm not even a daily user but when the anxiety hits it's one (puff) and done.

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