Michigan voters will decide whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. A citizen-initiated measure wasn’t approved by the Republican-controlled …
If you want to smoke, smoke? Who gives a fuck if it's legal or not. Only get one life fuck the system
Y'alll think drop out prevention is bad now lets see how bad it gets when your child drops out of school to smoke pot and use their parents house as a flop house and still be in their house at 35yrs old bc they don't have the motivation to do anything but get high and grow pot. Forget the legal age of 21 rules still break. When we're standing for nothing we're falling everything. I don't believe people should be held to the book for pot but I don't think it should be legal either. This new generation is messed up and we can't change the past but we can change the future.
i think it should be legal this way every one wins the goverment gets a big fat payday for schools and roads and i people that use it will feel better and it will help out with there health and there pain and stuff
If you want to smoke, smoke? Who gives a fuck if it's legal or not. Only get one life fuck the system
All benefits. It's damn stupid to be illegal. Make that $ Mi
I'm a republican , and I smoke
If this gets passed I’m moving to Canada.
If it doesnt pass im moving!
I am thinking of moving to Michigan. This will just make it better.
Taxes are too high. Almost 20%?! I will be voting no if it is written that way.
Lung cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2516340/
Heart attacks https://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=117399&page=1
Brain Damage. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-marijuanas-long-term-effects-brain
Strokes. http://www.acc.org/about-acc/press-releases/2017/03/09/14/05/marijuana-use-associated-with-increased-risk-of-stroke-heart-failure
Epilepsy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4121386/
Mental illness. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/there-link-between-marijuana-use-psychiatric-disorders
Respiratory Disease http://adai.uw.edu/marijuana/factsheets/respiratoryeffects.htm
Carcinogenic. https://www.webmd.com/cancer/news/20051017/pot-smoke-less-carcinogenic-than-tobacco
Birth defects. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.addictions.com/marijuana/marijuana-birth-defects-smoking-pot-dangerous-pregnant-women/%3famp
Lowers sperm count https://www.google.com/amp/nationalpost.com/health/smoking-a-couple-of-joints-a-week-research-warns-it-may-make-sperm-more-mellow-and-swim-in-circles/amp
Life span. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.medicaldaily.com/smoke-weed-marijuana-use-premature-death-383755%3famp=1
Y'alll think drop out prevention is bad now lets see how bad it gets when your child drops out of school to smoke pot and use their parents house as a flop house and still be in their house at 35yrs old bc they don't have the motivation to do anything but get high and grow pot. Forget the legal age of 21 rules still break. When we're standing for nothing we're falling everything. I don't believe people should be held to the book for pot but I don't think it should be legal either. This new generation is messed up and we can't change the past but we can change the future.
Make it legal baby
i think it should be legal this way every one wins the goverment gets a big fat payday for schools and roads and i people that use it will feel better and it will help out with there health and there pain and stuff
My vote of yes ahead of time 👌🏽🤓
Michigan Needs This!
it fucking better pass
It’ll pass.