Pregnant women are increasingly turning to marijuana to deal with ailments like morning sickness, chronic pain, and depression — even as doctors warn …
I’m pregnant and I get sick violently almost everymoring and mid afternoon. And i don’t always use it when I do feel sick but on the days that I can’t even work I go home and take one or two hits and an hour later I’m good. Asking as you don’t do it heavily then I think personally it’s okay.
There are risks associated with cannabis use during pregnancy, and effects have been documented that range from mental illness to learning disabilities to just generally struggling with matters relating to executive function. However, studies that have yielded these results have all failed to "normalize" their findings. That is to say, if you took a group of 500 children, not selecting any for in-utero THC exposure, you would see instances of mental illness, learning disabilities, and aggression similar to the "findings" of these studies that supposedly "prove" that cannabis is harmful– THC use is not necessary to produce these negative features or cause them to be expressed. Genes are very complicated and it's extremely hard to tell whether something that crosses the placenta and is consumed in pregnancy can affect the baby, because the fact is, mothers are exposed to all manner of things all the time– further to that, genes and socioeconomic status are at play as well. It would be almost impossible to design a study that could prove once and for all that cannabis use is harmful to baby, and so far none of the studies have really affirmed that idea, especially since their results weren't normalized. It's frustrating to hear doctors saying "we KNOW pot use is bad" when that isn't really the truth at all, it's just safer to stay away from it. It's also safer to stay away from, for example, tylenol. Or antidepressants. But a doctor will still recommend those if abstaining from them will make your pregnancy too difficult.
I'm pregnant in Australia and smoke weed every day, many cones a day. I have BPD & several other diagnoses. Weed and pregnancy vitamins are the only meds I use, even though it isn't legal where I live. Tell me to stop using plant therapy for my countless symptoms, I dare you. 😵😉
I smoked pretty heavily everyday for 17 years, I have 2 degrees, and I work full time in a job I enjoy. I wanted to quit smoking weed because I wanted to get pregnant. I quit 2-3 months before getting pregnant and had terrible withdrawal symptoms: depression, foggy head, irritability, night sweats, nightmares, insomnia, no appetite… marijuana is addictive even though my withdrawal symptoms only lasted about 2 weeks because I would exercise regularly and eat healthy. To each their own but I don’t think you should make that decision to get high FOR your baby… I always tried to keep as many unnecessary chemicals/drugs away from me and my developing baby. It just seems smarter that way, especially if you don’t have some of the problems the woman lists in the video. Don’t keep smoking just because you always have and “it helps you;” I have been able to handle my anxiety and depression so much better if it even exists at all when I haven’t been smoking regularly… it really messes with your brain chemistry and hormones
The mother of my child was smoking marijuana and breastfeeding. then decided she did not want to be a mother so she took our son to a foster care woman that woman had our son drug tested he came out positive for marijuana and was taken from the both of us I went to court to get my son back but his mother is telling the court it is in the best interests of our child for the foster woman to be his legal guardian till he's 18 because of the fact that she is giving up all her rights and making these statements I was the only parent who was drug tested and I came out for low levels of marijuana I'm still currently fighting for custody I've spent over $18,000 on lawyers in the past year and a half I have my own car payment and rent my own apartment in the bay area and I'm only 21 years old somebody please help me.
I told my doctor I was taking marijuana for depression and my morning sickness and I thought she was going to freak out but she was like oh okay that’s fine I was shocked but my coworkers is 7monthe pregos and she smokes weed as well
Stress has much more effects on child then this could ever, but you don't see society or doctor providing outlets for that. Moms are still working tired and nauseous because they don't have a choice. Financial stresses, chemicals and GMO foods, chemical medication, and pollution is whats causing issues with our children. Not this.
At 12 weeks pregnant & sober because my partner thinks marijuana will have a negative effect on our baby. To be respectful I give it my all literally everyday to stay sober yet my depression & insomnia isnt being treated anymore & sadly lack of sleep does have birth defects. Also force feeding a bit. I hope anyone that is using it during pregnancy is also volunteering to be studied on this so that one day people in my position can be allowed to use it for medical use purposes instead of it being looked at as just wanting to get high. People who dont have the ability to get high will never understand(my partner) Thank you to new mothers who is allowed to use marijuana & takes this comment into consideration, I shall continue fighting until its allowed🖤
Could I get some advice? I’m 10 weeks and I’m a heavy weed smoker due to me having to eat properly and anxiety, I’ve been smoking to stop myself from throwing up a lot and it’s helped I’ve stopped the past few days and it’s been horrible.
Dogon Tribe = uses cannabis from the moment of birth until death … the Tribe that is … look them up … the mothers there have babies too and cannabis is such a part of their culture they literally worship it in some fashion or another … brought to them via Dolphins in space ships !!! no joke
I’m so glad I found this video I’m 19weeks+3days and I just recently stopped smoking 2weeks now I’ve suffered from severe morning sickness from the beginning to now to the point I had to go and get iv drips. No medications was helping but I was smoking which was giving me an appetite to eat and somewhat lessen the morning sickness.. I’m Caribbean and I believe ganja is safe while smoking just a spliff a day… since I stopped smoking my nausea spiked back up I can’t get out the bed most days I’m currently on Zofran and still I’m nauseous. I’m conflicted at this point as to whether do I continue back for a little or what. I reside in PA and I know nothing about these doctors much than if I was still living in NY I would feel more comfortable.. I never told my doctor I smoked as they already probably judge me cause I’m a Rastafarian but I know my baby been healthy this far while I was smoking and will continue by the grace of God.. Ganja saved me from a lot of things and I don’t deny it for no reason what so ever..
For real though I haven't found anything that says pot is 100% bad because they say that babies develop a thicker frontal cortex which they say can overall boost your intelligence BUT they also experience harder difficulties with actually learning like short term memory. They also are at higher risks to be stoners when they get older but like I said the water is very muddy with this topic. This drug is still kind of new and its not even federally legal yet so it's hard to study it but from what they found its mixed but most say it's not that harmful but not harmless.
It’s the only thing that stopped my all day puking. I couldn’t even drink water, I cried because I was soooo thirsty. I just wanted to eat and drink without puking. Dr didn’t want to prescribe me any of the nausea stuff, nothing else worked. I tried the tea, unisom and b6.. I was so depressed.. guess what, it was a last resort and it helped me. I was able to eat and drink again. It was a life saver
Have you tried Budd Hub? i think. It was so easy! I got my order delivered in 20 minutes and they had a ton of products to choose from. Literally the hub of bud. Has anyone tried them? It's like the Doordash for weed. You gotta sign up!
I have PTSD. Clinical anxiety disorder. Panic disorder. Major depressive disorder. From years of spousal abuse… I use pot as little as I possibly can but there are times where I have to take it or else I will do something irreversible to my body. I also have severe morning sickness (throwing up multiple times a day for 5 weeks, I'm 10 weeks as of today). My ex is not the father, I have been out of that relationship for years now but still suffer from it. My ex had a family already, so why am I not allowed to because of what he did to me? It's not fair, I have wanted kids since I was with him. I know I can be an amazing mother, and I worked so hard to afford my own place and build up from nothing to provide the perfect home for my baby. I feel like I suffer, and the baby suffers, more from my mental health disorders (self harm, severe depression, fight or flight mode with myself…) than I do from marijuana
Hello we gat some good quality marijuana available at affordable prices indica and sativa with thc% contact us on Snapchat if interested. Snapchat: kush7387
I do armed security at a dispensary. A few things I’ve learned over the years about bad mothers who come to our facility. First off, most are in denial about their use. We bar so many of these mothers from our facility because they attempt to leave their babies alone in their cars! When we tell them they are not allowed to do this, they always apologize and drive up the street and leave their kids alone, then walk back. Then we tell them they are suspended for the day. That’s when they go off on us. They always say stuff like “Who are you to judge me?”, “You can’t stop me from coming here” ect, ect. The ones that actually comply with our rules end up spending like $300 on product, while complaining about the price and how they can’t afford to feed and buy clothes for their kids because we charge so much! Oh, and we can always spot their EBT cards inside their wallets! It’s nice to know our tax dollars are being put to good use!
Those are the bad ones! I’m sure plenty of the girls who come to our facility have kids. It’s these bad ones that make the rest look bad. Believe me when I say, there are way too many bad ones who need to re-evaluate their life choices!
I’m pregnant and I get sick violently almost everymoring and mid afternoon. And i don’t always use it when I do feel sick but on the days that I can’t even work I go home and take one or two hits and an hour later I’m good. Asking as you don’t do it heavily then I think personally it’s okay.
Bet she’s the type to prescribe morphine or other hard, addictive prescription drugs
Opponents of legalization: Marijuana is very evil! Prescription drugs are better………
There are risks associated with cannabis use during pregnancy, and effects have been documented that range from mental illness to learning disabilities to just generally struggling with matters relating to executive function. However, studies that have yielded these results have all failed to "normalize" their findings. That is to say, if you took a group of 500 children, not selecting any for in-utero THC exposure, you would see instances of mental illness, learning disabilities, and aggression similar to the "findings" of these studies that supposedly "prove" that cannabis is harmful– THC use is not necessary to produce these negative features or cause them to be expressed. Genes are very complicated and it's extremely hard to tell whether something that crosses the placenta and is consumed in pregnancy can affect the baby, because the fact is, mothers are exposed to all manner of things all the time– further to that, genes and socioeconomic status are at play as well. It would be almost impossible to design a study that could prove once and for all that cannabis use is harmful to baby, and so far none of the studies have really affirmed that idea, especially since their results weren't normalized. It's frustrating to hear doctors saying "we KNOW pot use is bad" when that isn't really the truth at all, it's just safer to stay away from it. It's also safer to stay away from, for example, tylenol. Or antidepressants. But a doctor will still recommend those if abstaining from them will make your pregnancy too difficult.
I do it I love it keep it up you do you girl's
weed was created by God its good for u not man made medication
Does anyone have a link to Mother's Mary group.
I'm pregnant in Australia and smoke weed every day, many cones a day. I have BPD & several other diagnoses.
Weed and pregnancy vitamins are the only meds I use, even though it isn't legal where I live.
Tell me to stop using plant therapy for my countless symptoms, I dare you. 😵😉
I just want to thank all the brave women, who go beyond the stigma, judgment and fear and share their experience
common misconception: we can become addicted to ANYTHING food, working out, etc . weed is no different. A drug is a drug
It’s 2021 more woman are smoking while pregnant babies have 0 effects
Junkies!!! Jk lol
I'm all for cannabis use but don't smoke in thaaa home
I smoked pretty heavily everyday for 17 years, I have 2 degrees, and I work full time in a job I enjoy. I wanted to quit smoking weed because I wanted to get pregnant. I quit 2-3 months before getting pregnant and had terrible withdrawal symptoms: depression, foggy head, irritability, night sweats, nightmares, insomnia, no appetite… marijuana is addictive even though my withdrawal symptoms only lasted about 2 weeks because I would exercise regularly and eat healthy. To each their own but I don’t think you should make that decision to get high FOR your baby… I always tried to keep as many unnecessary chemicals/drugs away from me and my developing baby. It just seems smarter that way, especially if you don’t have some of the problems the woman lists in the video. Don’t keep smoking just because you always have and “it helps you;” I have been able to handle my anxiety and depression so much better if it even exists at all when I haven’t been smoking regularly… it really messes with your brain chemistry and hormones
The mother of my child was smoking marijuana and breastfeeding. then decided she did not want to be a mother so she took our son to a foster care woman that woman had our son drug tested he came out positive for marijuana and was taken from the both of us I went to court to get my son back but his mother is telling the court it is in the best interests of our child for the foster woman to be his legal guardian till he's 18 because of the fact that she is giving up all her rights and making these statements I was the only parent who was drug tested and I came out for low levels of marijuana I'm still currently fighting for custody I've spent over $18,000 on lawyers in the past year and a half I have my own car payment and rent my own apartment in the bay area and I'm only 21 years old somebody please help me.
I told my doctor I was taking marijuana for depression and my morning sickness and I thought she was going to freak out but she was like oh okay that’s fine I was shocked but my coworkers is 7monthe pregos and she smokes weed as well
Stress has much more effects on child then this could ever, but you don't see society or doctor providing outlets for that. Moms are still working tired and nauseous because they don't have a choice. Financial stresses, chemicals and GMO foods, chemical medication, and pollution is whats causing issues with our children. Not this.
Love this 💙💜💚
At 12 weeks pregnant & sober because my partner thinks marijuana will have a negative effect on our baby. To be respectful I give it my all literally everyday to stay sober yet my depression & insomnia isnt being treated anymore & sadly lack of sleep does have birth defects. Also force feeding a bit. I hope anyone that is using it during pregnancy is also volunteering to be studied on this so that one day people in my position can be allowed to use it for medical use purposes instead of it being looked at as just wanting to get high. People who dont have the ability to get high will never understand(my partner) Thank you to new mothers who is allowed to use marijuana & takes this comment into consideration, I shall continue fighting until its allowed🖤
Weed is from the earth 🌍 that’s it that’s all
Could I get some advice? I’m 10 weeks and I’m a heavy weed smoker due to me having to eat properly and anxiety, I’ve been smoking to stop myself from throwing up a lot and it’s helped I’ve stopped the past few days and it’s been horrible.
Dogon Tribe = uses cannabis from the moment of birth until death … the Tribe that is … look them up … the mothers there have babies too and cannabis is such a part of their culture they literally worship it in some fashion or another … brought to them via Dolphins in space ships !!! no joke
I’m so glad I found this video I’m 19weeks+3days and I just recently stopped smoking 2weeks now I’ve suffered from severe morning sickness from the beginning to now to the point I had to go and get iv drips. No medications was helping but I was smoking which was giving me an appetite to eat and somewhat lessen the morning sickness.. I’m Caribbean and I believe ganja is safe while smoking just a spliff a day… since I stopped smoking my nausea spiked back up I can’t get out the bed most days I’m currently on Zofran and still I’m nauseous. I’m conflicted at this point as to whether do I continue back for a little or what. I reside in PA and I know nothing about these doctors much than if I was still living in NY I would feel more comfortable.. I never told my doctor I smoked as they already probably judge me cause I’m a Rastafarian but I know my baby been healthy this far while I was smoking and will continue by the grace of God.. Ganja saved me from a lot of things and I don’t deny it for no reason what so ever..
For real though I haven't found anything that says pot is 100% bad because they say that babies develop a thicker frontal cortex which they say can overall boost your intelligence BUT they also experience harder difficulties with actually learning like short term memory. They also are at higher risks to be stoners when they get older but like I said the water is very muddy with this topic. This drug is still kind of new and its not even federally legal yet so it's hard to study it but from what they found its mixed but most say it's not that harmful but not harmless.
Those brain development “defects” are just as high for a perfectly normal pregnancy without cannabis use 🙄
I love this smoking mom video
It’s the only thing that stopped my all day puking. I couldn’t even drink water, I cried because I was soooo thirsty. I just wanted to eat and drink without puking. Dr didn’t want to prescribe me any of the nausea stuff, nothing else worked. I tried the tea, unisom and b6.. I was so depressed.. guess what, it was a last resort and it helped me. I was able to eat and drink again. It was a life saver
Have you tried Budd Hub? i think. It was so easy! I got my order delivered in 20 minutes and they had a ton of products to choose from. Literally the hub of bud. Has anyone tried them? It's like the Doordash for weed. You gotta sign up!
I know people that smoked weed all through their pregnancy and all they can tell me is that they have the highest grades 😂😂
Gave birth on December .. smoked weed all day everyday and my baby came out healthy af
yeah. tell your doctor to prescribe you morphine.
Probably the only NBC video I would share.
I support these moms 100%.
So the baby’s brain development don’t matter?!!! I call it selfish!!!
Who seen that joint running bro she can’t even smoke
Im from Oregon I grew up with everyone smoking weed… They're calm and happy
Bruh she speak the truth 2:00
I definitely would choose pot over MORPHINE jesus christ
I'm pregnant now and I'm smoking and I got my mom support because she did the same with me and my siblings
I have PTSD. Clinical anxiety disorder. Panic disorder. Major depressive disorder. From years of spousal abuse… I use pot as little as I possibly can but there are times where I have to take it or else I will do something irreversible to my body. I also have severe morning sickness (throwing up multiple times a day for 5 weeks, I'm 10 weeks as of today). My ex is not the father, I have been out of that relationship for years now but still suffer from it. My ex had a family already, so why am I not allowed to because of what he did to me? It's not fair, I have wanted kids since I was with him. I know I can be an amazing mother, and I worked so hard to afford my own place and build up from nothing to provide the perfect home for my baby. I feel like I suffer, and the baby suffers, more from my mental health disorders (self harm, severe depression, fight or flight mode with myself…) than I do from marijuana
“Take opioids and morphine “
This makes me
Feel so much better
There health I not good
Then don’t do it
Poor baby
Hello we gat some good quality marijuana available at affordable prices indica and sativa with thc% contact us on Snapchat if interested. Snapchat: kush7387
I do armed security at a dispensary. A few things I’ve learned over the years about bad mothers who come to our facility. First off, most are in denial about their use. We bar so many of these mothers from our facility because they attempt to leave their babies alone in their cars! When we tell them they are not allowed to do this, they always apologize and drive up the street and leave their kids alone, then walk back. Then we tell them they are suspended for the day. That’s when they go off on us. They always say stuff like “Who are you to judge me?”, “You can’t stop me from coming here” ect, ect. The ones that actually comply with our rules end up spending like $300 on product, while complaining about the price and how they can’t afford to feed and buy clothes for their kids because we charge so much! Oh, and we can always spot their EBT cards inside their wallets! It’s nice to know our tax dollars are being put to good use!
Those are the bad ones! I’m sure plenty of the girls who come to our facility have kids. It’s these bad ones that make the rest look bad. Believe me when I say, there are way too many bad ones who need to re-evaluate their life choices!
Heroin or weed ?