Richardson father risks freedom to promote cannabis treatments for his daughter

A few times a month, Mark Zartler of Richardson, Texas commits a crime that helps his daughter who cannot help herself. 17 years ago, Christy Zartler gave birth …


  1. Some decades ago cannabis was being studied for lots of medical and psychological purposes, but during the hippie era it was demonized by Nickson administration cause it was associated with them and with comunism.
    I dont smoke anymore cause cannabis is not for me but I understand it can help a lot of people.

  2. There should just be a strict legalization of it like, for example, the only trustable place to buy it so that no one can secretly sold it for addiction purposes and also medical papers that allows you to buy it.

    It might be overboard but local police should monitor those households too if they're using them for the patient and not for themselves. Things like this are really a double edged sword. It can harm but it can also save a life, depending on who is using it.

  3. Dude.. my friend does this for a boy with autism to calm him and its worked for years.. weeds not a drug, its a medicinal herb.. ofc the boy with autism is 20, turning 21 soon, and he is given dosages. He went from being violent with almost no friends, not hes laid back with all the friends in the world!

  4. I'm wondering where the trauma came from..
    She seems as tho she is repeating past memories of trauma on top of her pre existing ailments…

    I pray for this innocent Lord. May she be welcomed into Your Kingdom. Thank you for all that you do, witnessed or not.
    In Jesus precious name. Amen

  5. Words are never rang so true… the law won’t change until somebody gambles. The man is willing to risk his freedom for his daughter, and the rest of the parents in this same predicament. You sir are a hero

  6. Wow what an amazing father, oh bless. Any one can have a child but to be a father or a mother, well, all you need to do is watch this man and to me that's what a father is all about. Seriously bless him. 🌞🌻👍

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