Taking CBD Oil for Chronic Pain after 30 Days

In this video, I discuss using CBD Oil for managing chronic pain, and my opinion of it, after using it for 30 days. My pain is due to many years with thoracic outlet …


  1. Genuine request

    Please can somebody advise on the strongest possible CBD/ THC product (no smoking products) for back pain relief ? Anything that would help sleep

  2. New to this game..if it makes u sleepy or just feel relaxed does that means it's working? I'll see after work Wednesday morning if it helps my sore/osteo pain issues

  3. Thanks
    Yo tengo lupus, artritis , carpal tunel e hipotiroidismo. Comencé a utilizar cbd sin thc regulado por la FDA en USA. En dias sentí mejoria drásticamente. El dolor desaparecio. Asi q Comencé el cbd con mi Niña q tiene autismo atípico y ha mejorado muchísimo Dr. Yo utilizo unas gotitas de una marca q es muy concentrada y la misma también ha ayudado a personas con diabetes , Parkinson y muchas enfermedades más. Yo amo las CBD !
    Distribucion Puerto Rico, USA, Mexico y El Salvador

  4. There is a lot to know before buying. You want it to be C02 extracted, verified organic. Hemp or pot grown in the states. A batch testing report, and no contaminates.
    Look online for this info before buying.
    Fabcbd.com is a good source as is Joy Organics. They give about a 25% discount. Check out both sites.
    I feel your pain. I've had a 5 level fusion and after two years am in serious pain. I keep having disc rupurts in my neck. Yuck.

    I wish you the best. No one deserves to live in daily pain.

  5. I tried edibles for a day. pain wont go away. ended up taking advil. anyway waiting a couple of months, weeks or even days wont cut it for me..i cant last for a day with my low back pain..its really bad. i took 50mg cbd only it didnt work…i dragged the pain but really cant sleep..3am took advil. how much cbd shud i take 1500mg? 5000 mg?

  6. TOSTINMAN I have a pain lotion, would love to get your feedback on it. full spectrum HEMP, and Medical Grade Essential oils. please feel free to reach out to me on any social media platform. I wont plug in the brand, apologies if this sounds like a spam bot, please reach out to me on any soial media platform @vegasbigrob so we can talk about this further.


  7. I personally found CBDa the most effective ❤please read about it!
    CBDa has been shown in studies to be far more effective than CBD for EXTRA-STRENGTH RELIEF!

    *100% US grown and organic hemp
    *Third-party lab reports
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    With a
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    Join for FREE to PAY LESS and learn more today!!!


    All the best! ❤

  8. I do 1000mg in a 30ml bottle. It’s $87 out the door. Takes the Chronic pain I have With my carpal tunnel which resulted from a fall that caused a fracture completely away. I take it 2x a day, one full dropper each time. I buy Revive cbd extra strength

  9. Thank you for posting this. I’m trying CBD oil (8000mg) for the first time for sciatica and a torn thigh muscle, injured while doing yoga 3 weeks ago. I’m using a bunch of other homeopathy as well & have recently quit Carnivore Diet in favor of an organic Kosher Mediterranean Diet.

    I’m looking forward to your follow up video. Thanks again for posting 🙏🏽

  10. Good morning I started taking CBD oil the one I got is grape oil I don't find it's working at all I started taking 2 drops under the tongue moved up to 25 ml than 50 ml now I'm up to a full dropper I suffer from lower back and leg injury I've had this problem for 6 years now I have been taking when is really bad morphine pills down to Tylenol 3 thought I could take something natural not impressed at all no such thing as a quick fix do you have any ideas any pointers maybe I'm expecting to Launch I'm only on my third day taking the stuff

  11. Its a waste of money. I bought a small bottle and didnt feel any different. Then i got a bigger bottle so i can try it longer to make sure i give a chance before giving up on. It did not make any difference in me of any kind. I have chronic back issues, occasional migraines and bad sleep. Taking this suppose to help but i feel zero difference except my damn wallet is lighter! Stuff is very expensive. Save your money folks.

  12. Sounds like you're doing too many things at one time. Also what form and how are you taking the CBD? Orally, topicallyf? Pure CBD would be the best test for the CBD.

  13. Do you take morphine or oramorph for pain ? They have prescribed me oramorph for my chronic pelvic pain but I scared to use it again. Been off it for a month and the withdrawal was agony and thats why I scared! But, im in so much pain I might have to start it again😞 trouble is im on cocodamol now can you mix codeine with morphine ? great video bro

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