There is something you should know about epilepsy and cannabis | Jokubas Ziburkus | TEDxVilnius

Our brains are comprised of at least 150 different subtypes of neurons. Each one of these neurons produces a ‘Pak!’. This represents a very fast change in …


  1. My 14 year old daughter started having Tonic Clonic seizures this year out of the blue. Diagnosed with focal epilepsy. She is on Keppra, it’s not working. I’m researching CBD for alternative treatments.

  2. I recently started having seizures my most recent was last week so In total I have had 2 seizures in the last month and before my episodes I have a sudden feeling of confusion and out of body experience and when I went to the hospital after my second seizure they took several test and after being there for almost the whole day they blamed my seizures on cannabis and I smoked nicotine as well but they didn’t say anything about that and I still don’t understand how that works could someone who is educated in this explain this to me please because I’m scared of having another seizure because I don’t want to put myself or my family through that again

  3. I am diagnosed with the same having tonic clonic and complex partial seizure since last 8 years and 3-4 times a year and recently gone through its surgery and removal of left hippocampus and amygdala 6 months ago after which i am not getting any of its symptoms but a little loss of memory and recalling words and facts……..seizures and medicine damaged me alot like lenses , constipation, haemmoroids, cough , problem in breathing, being more talkative ,etc. ……….my education got distroyed……… no one can understand what i am going through and i bless to god for a new life……..its just enough in this competitive situation.

  4. I have had seizures for 23 years now but coincidentally obsessed with drums not knowing why…..those last drums played are exactly what always runs in my brain after weeding…. always hysterical…its kinda magical to come across this video…..Thanks and I bless you TED…

  5. After many failed experiments with some other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I would ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I highly recommend for practically any health problem.

  6. Thank you Dr Omar for your help. I can't believe that am cured from epilepsy. Have being a fighter for manys years now. Subscribe to his youtube channel via searching Dr Omar Meds.

  7. I tried Keppra with absolutely zero results, then I tried Trileptal, which helped but I still had grand mal seizures and the side effects were horrible. After about 5 years my neurologist finally agreed to "recommend" marijuana, CBD. It changed my life.

    I’ve been seizure free for the longest period ever. My memory and abilities are coming back, it is an amazing feeling. If you have seizures please try CBD, it won't get you high.

    I buy a small bottle via the net, 30ml's (1 fl oz) with 2500mg total CBD, 83mg per serving and drip about half a dropper (half a serving) under my tongue twice a day, morning and night.

    The bottle cost me a little over $100 and lasts about a month. This is a lot more than the pharmaceutical drugs cost, but I would pay 10 times that, because it has had such a positive result for me.

    Please make sure you buy it from a reputable supplier, with consistent quality. I hope it will help you, like it has helped me.

  8. I'm epileptic and when I have a grand mal seizure They don't stop one right after another. Normally go to bed and wake in a hospital days later….cannabis has made me feel some what normal again

  9. I'm an epileptic and I really don't like cannabis. My epilepsy is now controlled by medicine so I don't need cannabis, just putting in my 2 cents that all epileptics don't naturally gravitate toward the herb.

  10. I live a normal life of a teenager and I have 3 times a cannabis and then I got an epilepsy and now I have a seizures every month… So I think that this man´s theory is nonsense.

  11. As an epileptic in AZ where recreational marijuana was just legalized, I want to thank everyone for their votes towards a more enlightened and healthy society.

  12. I have seizures in my sleep. If they can figure out a cure for the pandemic in 9 months why can’t they do the same for seizures that they supposedly have been studying for decades?????

  13. i love how they describes epilepsy as a disorder or pathogen , almost every known prophet was epileptic it was once called the witches disease , there is a reason they call them seizures and why the word epilepsy has a origin in latin which means to be taken or controlled from a magnetic influence outside the body , look into the work of dr michael persinger and the koren helmet he invented

  14. I have a strong SPIRITUAL heart but am using mans 'science' to prove me right.
    I am the CREATORS 'healing' warrior.
    I came forwards with how GOLD and PLATINUM were created to 'prove' my brain injury is being restored with THC so earth can be restored by growing HEMP.
    How else could a 5.5 TBI patient do this ?
    Growing HEMP will restore the 'soil', will restore the 'atmosphere'.
    Will create BIO-DEGRADABLE plastics.
    This is the only way I can get this message out; HEMP plastics is the future for earth.
    I wrecked my Harley not wearing my helmet that stopped my heart 3 times, put me into an 87 day coma waking with a 5.5 brain injury requiring relearning life. Once returning home I tried having my doctor do an MRI of my brain to compare to my wreck. He refused telling me that BIG PHARMA will financially destroy any doctor that proves THC restores brain injuries.
    This upset me so much that I taught myself MOLECULAR SCIENCE and went to the gold shop in KALISPELL MONTANA showing JB how copper transitioned into gold. This got me kicked out and he told 'city council' that I am making FOOLS GOLD from copper pass tests
    Boiling water proves that 'heat' excites MOLECULES allowing ATOMS to escape.
    This is how copper transitions into GOLD and nickel into PLATINUM.
    Earth must be restored by growing HEMP world wide.

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