Trimming the bottom 1/3 of Your Plants

Trimming the bottom 1/3 of Your Plants For a full set of trace Mineral I recommend – Check out our Membership Program …


  1. You can easily identify male from female SEEDS!
    If the SEED has a little hole or volcano where it detached from the branch it's female!
    If it has a ball or round nub with NO whole it's male!
    How do you NOT KNOW THIS!

  2. hi from France, worry to see all the good topics are in english language
    my english so bad, I must repeat & repeat a 3,55 min vidéo, to be able to understand it. I teach growing and in same time teaching english language 🙂
    Thank you for sharing and sorry all for my horrible english.

  3. I cut them all off so the energy goes into the big tops. When the plant gets a bit larger, that's when I cut. Also, I keep a mother plant to ensure female and you don't want to keep cloning your clones as it washes out traits.

  4. I understand the value of removing the lower branches but wonder about the wisdom of also removing the associated leaves. Wouldn’t the leaves continue to be of benefit to a growing plant ???

  5. Should I clean up the bottom 1/3 if I am 3 weeks into flower? My plants are auto flower and are running behind a bit cuz we had no good sun and lots of rain and then a couple heat waves… So I moved them inside a tent under a ts2000 light and in the first week my two taller branches started to flower like crazy and then I bent them down 2 days ago to level the canopy to hopefully promote all of the tiny buds to grow more.. and just removed a ton of leaves today (everything that was too low down or blocking buds and some other large fan leaves just to hopefully direct the growth everywhere?!!! I also fed the plants 2 times this week for a very first time and only gave them a small amount of big bud the 2 times I fed them this week.. so it is a LOT FOR THE PLANTS I THINK… AND HOPE THEY DO WELL THIS LAST FEW WEEKS LEFT!!!! BUT IDK IF I SHOULD REMOVE SOME OF THE SMALL BUDS LOWER ON BRANCHES OR NOT CUZ HOW MUCH I TRIMMED OFF AND THE BENDING OF THE 2 MAIN BRANCHES?!!! YOU CAN SEE THE PLANTS ON BUFFALO ESKATE IF INTERESTED AND ANY HELP OR INPUT AS WE FINISH OUT THIS LAST COUPLE WEEKS WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!

  6. Fastest way to sex a bunch of plants, take tops off as soon as they have enough nodes, put them in a cloner under 12/12 and you will know what sex they are within a week.

  7. My personal opinion I would leave all of those leaves on the plant so in the near future all of those leaves act like little solar panels that help the plant process the sunlight if you cut them off you are reducing what the plant needs… But that's just me and my 9 years of growing…

  8. Those lower branches are clonable but if you're like me I'm only legally allowed 4 plants. I'd takes cuts from the fastest growth. Taking those lower branches will eventually hurt yeilds you taking the slowest and potentially the most unhealthy part for next generation. If you have unlimited numbers this may make sense. But on a limit I want the best of the best

  9. Good stuff! 👍 I didn't know to do that n trained my babies instead. Bent them over early n that seemed to work fine. I defoliated a couple of times in veg, then lolipopped just before the flip…so far so Bueno! Thnx for the 411

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